How Fasting Can Help With NoFap & Porn Addiction (Check This Out)

porn relapse porn-addiction quitting porn

Note: you can find links to what I'm talking about in the end of the video further down in the post

Wondering how fasting from food can help with porn addiction?

Or how fasting can help with NoFap?

Or how intermittent fasting can help with any addiction, for that matter?

Well, if so, you need to watch today's video.

Let's begin...

How Fasting Can Help With NoFap & Porn Addiction

Scandinavian Bob here, hi!

There are mainly two ways fasting can be a great tool to implement on your journey out of a porn addiction and the first way is because all addictions basically cause a numb pleasure response. And fasting can potentially help you reverse that issue. 

Fasting can help reverse the desensitization...

This is also called desensitization and it happens because you have been hammering the reward system with high dopamine levels for so long that your brain has started down regulating those small dopamine receptors that dopamine itself is supposed to bind to.

This is also why so many addicts also tend to be depressed and can’t seem to get any enjoyment out of life. Because with less dopamine receptors, they have a numbed pleasure response - and thus they feel numb to life's small little rewards, like socializing and just doing stuff. 

Fasting may potentially help speed up porn addiction recovery...

Now, abstinence from whatever the person is addicted to will up-regulate the receptors, but fasting has also been shown to do that.

So, this means that you might potentially help speed up your recovery if you sprinkle in some days of fasting here and there during your journey.

The second way is even more interesting, well depending on who you ask, but fasting can actually help you become better at dealing with cravings. 

Fasting could also become better at handling cravings to watch porn...

You see, most of us in today’s generation are absolutely horrible with handling desire and cravings.

Just think about it, as soon as our phone buzzes from some notifications we instantly reach for it to check what’s going on. Heck, if we get one minute over even if we don’t hear any notifications we still reach for it. 

As soon as we’re in the mood we open up an adult site and as soon as we’re hungry we grab something to eat.

Well, doing a for example 24 hour fast can help teach us that it is actually ok to feel desire for a while without instantly doing anything about it. 

Fasting teaches you that nothing bad will happen if you ignore your cravings for a while...

And the desire / craving we have during fasting is obviously a feeling of hunger.

I personally found this to be pretty effective at learning how to master the art of just accepting your cravings without following them.

Now, there is way you can make this even more effective, but before I go there I should point out that if you’re one of those people who have a hard time going even 5 days without relapsing, then fasting is probably not something you should be playing around with YET, because initially the hunger can actually increase your risk of relapse.

Feeling stuck? You can transform your life in 13 weeks OR LESS by Downloading my FREE guide below...

Fasting will probably not help your porn addiction the very first time you try it...

This fasting tool is something that will help you long term and probably not the very first time you try it. 

You could either wait until you’re able to reach at least  your second week or then slowly start building up the fasting amount which is probably what you should be doing anyway if you’re not used to fasting.

And hey, the 24hour fast is just an example.

Obviously a 16, or a 14 hour fast would work as well, it’s just that usually you get a bit more opportunities to surf the hunger cravings during a longer fast.

Train your "no go system"...

Ok, so during the fast, to make it even more effective you could also start training your “no go” system additionally by not picking up your phone every time you feel a desire to do so.

Someone messages you and you can hear that. Great!  See if you can wait about 15 minutes before you pick it up.

Each time you are doing this you’re strengthening the "no go system" in your brain and the stronger it becomes the better you’ll be able to handle addiction cravings later on as well.

In addition to this there are two more things you can add and to really take it to the next level.

I’ve personally had some pretty remarkable experiences during a few fast experiencing some really mind blowing things and I’ll talk more about this in a video that I will link to in the end.

But before I do so, I want to remind you guys of the fact that, if you’re struggling with an addiction to  porn you now have an opportunity to watch a free training session with one of the world's leading porn addiction experts.

You can find links to full reviews of what I'm talking about in the video right here...

And the video I talked about where I share my personal experiences with adding some more tools to fasting, well, you can see that video on the screen right here => Dopamine detox increase attraction?

So, if that sounds interesting to you you can click on that right now and discover what it’s all about.

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