What To Do If You Relapse To Porn (Or Rather, What NOT To Do) porn relapse porn-addiction

You can take the dopamine quiz right here.

Did you just relapse to porn?

And now you're wondering what to do about it?

Well, in this video I share what you absolutely should NOT do after a porn addiction relapse.

Let's begin...

What To Do If ...

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NoFap Sucks (58 Year old's experience) nofap pmo addiction porn-addiction

Do you feel that NoFap sucks?

And you're having no results whatsoever?

Perhaps you're even getting worse?

Well, if so, today's content is for you.

Let's begin....

NoFap Sucks?

Scandinavian Bob here, hi.

So I got an email question about how ...

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How To Know If Retention / Quitting Porn is Working? pmo reboot porn-addiction retention energy semen retention

Are you combining quitting porn with semen retention?

And now you're wondering how to know if retention is working for you?

Well, in this video I'll talk about my experience with how to know when retention has started working.

Let's begin...


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Does The End Of The Porn Flatline Mean I'm Fully Recovered? nofap flatline pied recovery pmo addiction porn flatline porn-addiction

Are you doing a pmo reboot right now?

And now you are wondering if recovery is complete once flatline ends?

So what's the deal, are you fully healed when the flatline is over?

Well, this is exactly what we're talking about today...

Does The En...

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Which Is Worse for the Brain: Video Games vs Porn? pmo reboot porn-addiction quitting porn

 The free PMO Recovery Time Estimator I mention in the end of the video can be found right here.

Wondering which one is worse for your brain, 6h of video games vs 6h of fapping to porn?

Or perhaps you are wondering if you can play video games du...

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Diet and Foods For Porn Addiction Flatline (My Experience) nofap flatline pmo reboot porn flatline porn-addiction

Are you wondering if diet can have an impact on the porn addiction flatline?

If there are foods that can help speed things up?

Or if eating junk food will prolong PMO recovery?

Well, if so, you've come to the right place, because this is exactl...

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Why Does The Flatline Occur After Quitting Porn? (My Theory) nofap flatline pmo reboot porn flatline porn-addiction

Are you having a bit of problem with the so-called porn flatline?

Wondering why it's normal for flatlines to happen after quitting porn?

Or why some people seem to fall back into another flatline just from being intimate with their girlfriend?

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Do Wet Dreams Affect Porn Addiction Recovery? (The Truth) pied recovery pmo reboot porn-addiction

Are you trying to recover from a porn addiction?

Maybe you have PIED or some other porn induced sexual problem?

And now you're wondering if wet dreams are interfering with your porn addiction recovery?

So, what's the deal?

Do wet dreams hinder...

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How To Heal The Brain After Porn Addiction (Understand This Graph) dopamine desensitization dopamine receptors porn-addiction

Wondering how to heal the brain after quitting porn?

Well, if so, you just found the right page. 

This is part 2 in my series on how to recover faster after a porn addiction.

You might want to grab a cup of coffee and stay for a while, because ...

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How To Recover Your Brain Faster After Quitting Porn (Like This) pmo reboot porn-addiction quitting porn

The recovery time estimator I mention in the end of the video can be found right here.

Have you stopped using porn?

Or are you currently in the process of trying to overcome your porn addiction?

And now you're wondering if there are any ways yo...

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Anyone Else Failed No Nut November? (I Failed, Now What?) no nut november pmo addiction porn-addiction the negative effects of porn

The online course I mention in the end of the video can be found right here.

Did you just fail No Nut November?

Well you're not alone.

But what does it mean to fail No Nut November?

Well, let's jump in and take a look...

Anyone Else Failed No...

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NoFap Reset (Your Counter vs Your Brain) nofap relapse porn relapse porn-addiction quitting porn

Are you trying to quit porn?

And you're doing a so-called PMO reboot?

Wondering when to reset on NoFap?

If so, this is for you...

NoFap Reset (Your Counter vs Your Brain)

Scandinavian Bob here, hi.

A couple of days ago I got the following co...

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How Long Does it Take The Brain To Recover After Porn Addiction? pied recovery pmo reboot porn-addiction quitting porn

The PMO Recovery Time Estimator I mention in the end of the video can be found right here

Have you decided to stop watching porn?

And you just recently started a so-called PMO reboot?

And now you're wondering hoe long it will take for your brai...

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I'm Too Depressed To Quit Porn (Your Solution) pmo addiction porn-addiction quitting porn

Do you want to quit porn?

But you are having a hard time because of depression?

Or just low mood in general?

And the low state makes your need for escape too strong?

Well, if so, today's content is just what you need.

I'm Too Depressed To Qui...

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Medical Student's Experience With Quitting Porn (150 Days) porn-addiction quitting porn success stories

A lot of people have noticed how porn is having a negative impact on them.

So did the guy in today's success story. 

He's a 29 year old medical student who decided to tear himself away from the screen and give up the porn.

Check it out...


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Why Do I Keep Relapsing To Porn When Stressed? (Consider This) nofap relapse porn relapse porn-addiction

 The free guide I mention in the end of the video can be found right here.

Wondering why it's so hard to stay strong on your no porn journey?

And why you keep relapsing back to porn as soon as you're stressed?

Well if so, today's content is exa...

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Can I Recover From Porn Addiction Even With Relapses? ( PMO Reboot ) pmo reboot porn-addiction quitting porn

Are you trying to recover from a porn addiction?

And you're doing a so-called PMO reboot?

And now you're wondering if it's possible to recover even if having a few relapses here and there?

Well, let's jump in and take a look...

Can I Cure My P...

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Can Hot Girls On Social Media Also Give You PIED? (Porn Induced ED) pied recovery pmo reboot porn-addiction quitting porn

Are you struggling a bit with porn induced ED? (PIED)

And now you're wondering if clicking on social media girls also can be bad for your PIED recovery?

Or even if so-called "soft core" content like that can cause PIED?

Well, let's jump in and ...

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Porn Addiction is An Arousal Addiction (My Experience) porn-addiction quitting porn

Porn addiction is a so-called "arousal addiction".

In today's post we are going to take a close look at what that means.

I will also share my experience with how the novelty part of online porn is one of the biggest part of the problem.

Let's begi...

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Dopamine Fasting Can Help Your Porn Addiction Journey (My Experience) dopamine detox dopamine fasting nofap benefits pmo reboot porn-addiction quitting porn

The dopamine fasting online course I mention in the video can be found right here

Are you addicted to online porn?

Or are you just having a bit of a bad habit and you're now trying to give it up?

And now you a curious if and how dopamine fastin...

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What is Allowed During A PMO - Porn Reboot (My Experience) pmo addiction pmo reboot porn-addiction quitting porn

The 4-Step System I mention in the end of the video can be found right here

Are you trying to unhook from porn?

And now you're doing a so-called pmo reboot?

Wondering what to avoid and what's acceptable during this journey?

Well if so, you've ...

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Is Edging WITHOUT Porn Also Bad On NoFap? nofap nofap benefits pmo addiction porn-addiction

Are you trying to quit watching porn?

Are you doing a so-called pmo reboot?

Well, you have probably heard that edging to porn is some of the worst things you can do when rebooting.

But what about edging without porn? Is that also bad?

Let's ju...

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Can Counting NoFap Days Hold You Back? (Warning!) nofap pmo addiction quitting porn

The online course I mention in the end of the video can be found right here.

Should you count days on NoFap?

Or, should you count the number of days you've been clean from porn?

Is it good or bad to count days if you are trying to overcome a po...

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NoFap - How To Know You're in A Flatline (The Porn Flatline) nofap flatline nofap relapse porn flatline quitting porn

So you decided to quit porn, huh?

And no your libido is gone?

You've heard about the No-porn / NoFap flaltline, but now you have a few questions...

Like, how to know you're in a flatline?

What does the NoFap flatline feel like?

Well, let's ta...

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