5 Reasons You're Not Getting The NoFap Benefits After Quitting Porn

nofap benefits nofap flatline porn withdrawals porn-addiction quitting porn

Have you been doing NoFap for a while?

And now you're wondering why you're not getting any NoFap benefits?

Like, what the hell is going on!?!

Why am I not feeling any NoFap benefits?!?

Well, let's take a look...

5 Reasons You're Not Getting The NoFap Benefits After Quitting Porn

Are you having a hard time feeling any NoFap benefits?

Well, today we are going to go through a checklist with what could be the reasons for that. Now, before we start, keep in mind that life is complex and these are by no means all the possible reasons. 

And also, since life is not black and white for you, there could be a combination of these.

#1: You're still in a flatline

Yes, the flatline happens to people who have developed at least some form of addiction-related brain changes and are now quitting adult sites.

And even if the flatline is mostly characterized with a complete lack of libido, there can also be lower motivation, drive, and generally diminished positive emotions. 

So, of course, it can be harder to notice and experience NoFap benefits then. And if you think about it, the libido is the strongest force in human nature. So, if that one is temporarily out of whack, of course, you can't expect to get the strongest of those benefits either. 

And this is especially true when it comes to the attraction benefits. And since the dopamine system takes time to recover when it comes to addictions, flatline or not, you may perhaps just need more time.

#2: You have another addiction

You have another addiction going on.

If you are certain that you have overcome your addiction to adult sites but you still don't feel any benefits, then you have to be brutally honest and ask yourself, 'Do I have any other addictions that are hammering my dopamine system?

You know, when I, for example, dig a bit deeper with some of my clients, I find that some of them drink quite a lot of alcohol, and many of them seem to be in denial about having any kind of problem with it. 

And of course, this can be true with many things, not just alcohol. Junk food, weed, video games, social media, and other drugs, and on and on and on.

Other stimulating things could be holding you back even if you don't have an addiction to them...

Here's the nasty part, even if you don't fit the criteria of being addicted to whatever other things you may be thinking of here, now, overconsumption of supernormal stimuli in general can really hold you back when it comes to the NoFap benefits.

You see, your brain is especially sensitive in the beginning of your PMO reboot when your dopamine receptors are just about to recover. So, this is why I so often talk about the importance of having a healthy lifestyle as well. 

A good experiment to do for you if you don't feel any benefits is to try a 30-day super healthy lifestyle, almost like a 30-day dopamine detox, although maybe not that extreme, but where you really...

  • Eat super clean
  • Exercise
  • Skip all social media
  • Drastically reduce video games.

Try it out for 30 days, and then if that helps you, at least then you know that it was overstimulation of dopamine in your case that held you back.

#3: You are depressed.

Now, this one can be a bit of a catch-22 because flatline and withdrawals can cause depression, but depression can then also cause the flatline to be deeper and longer.

And if you're really down, then obviously the NoFap benefits will not be there either, at least not as strong as they could be. As I said, this one can be a bit tricky, but it's still one possibility to keep in mind because if depression is the root cause, then professional help could be needed.

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#4: You have no purpose.

You have no purpose in life. If you completely lack purpose, aim, or direction in life, then you need to start working on figuring out something to do.

Now, it's not like you need to have a burning desire and know with 100% certainty that this is what I'm put on this earth to be doing.

Don't fuckin listen to those YouTubers telling you that as they don't know shit. However, you do need to find something that you can keep working on and excelling in.

And then, guess what?

Even if you're not feeling that extreme burning desire, it can start growing on you after a while, which, in that case, is great. Or then, after a while, you'll figure out another thing a bit related to it. The point is, you can't just do NoFap without having anything else in life.

#5 Your life is messy

Your life is messy in general. Now, this one is related to number two, but it is so important that we can dive a bit deeper here. Be honest with yourself here now.

Is the only thing you're really looking forward to in your day-to-day life…

  • Having your coffee breaks where you get to eat a couple of donuts? 
  • Or you playing video games?
  • Or those relaxing three bottles of beer after work?
  • Or those online poker sessions? 

Now, I am not saying that one can't do those in moderation, and there's certainly nothing wrong with looking forward to it if you do. But all of those have one thing in common: instant pleasure without having to put in any effort first.

You absolutely need something to look forward to (besides NoFap benefits)

And listen up now, if you cannot find anything else to look forward to in your life, you better start looking hard and quick. Because you cannot build a good life long-term with just low-value dopamine stuff. Your joy and happiness and the things you look forward to cannot only be grounded in those things. 

Remember, as Andrew Huberman, the professor of neuroscience, says, 'Pleasure without effort will destroy you in the long run.'

And also, remember what I said, that in the beginning of your PMO reboot, when we want to recover our dopamine receptors, it may very well be that we need to be even more careful with those instant pleasure things.

Alright, so if you have any questions to ask or if you want to reach out to me for coaching, just look for my contact page under the video.

And as always, guys, life is an adventure. We have so much more exciting things to discover, and just as long as we keep moving forward, there are good things to come for sure. So remember, if you happen to go through hell right now, just keep going.

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