90 Days Of NoFap is Hard (Even if You’re Not Addicted To Porn)

nofap porn-addiction quitting porn semen retention

Are you doing NoFap?

Have you tried to reach 90 days for a long time now, only to fail again and again?

Wondering how it's possible how a 90 day NoFap challenge can be this hard to go through?

Well, if so, you might want to take a closer look at today's content.

Let's begin....

90 Days of NoFap is hard....

Scandinavian Bob here, hi.

Getting to 90 days of NoFap is not easy because of many things and today I’m not going to talk about the addiction related brain changes that indeed makes it much harder, but today we are simply going to look at this.

Ok, so no matter how you look at this, 90 days is quite a long time and all it takes for us to fail is just a short moment of weakness somewhere along the line of those 90 days. 

It can be just a flickering thought like, “this is not so important anyway” or “hey everyone does it” or it can even be just a moment of forgetting that you’re actually rebooting.

90 Days of NoFap is a long time - and all it takes to fail is just one second of weakness...

Yes indeed all it takes is just one second of weakness and here’s the deal…

During your 90 day challenge there is going to be…7.776.000 seconds.

And if one second of weakness is all it takes and you have 7.7 million seconds then obviously a 90 day challenge is not going to be easy. 

Now, there are a few people out there who have a strong internet presence that would say something like, you have to stand guard at the door of your mind for every second on your journey and fight for every second. 

There are 7.7 million seconds to win during a 90 day NoFap challenge...

While that sounds cool and quite heroic and all, it is not that good advice. It would, however, be a good way to drive yourself absolutely crazy.


Well, just look at the amount of seconds. 

You can’t be on high alert, examining every single thought you have, during all those 7 million seconds.

But what you CAN do is to remind yourself a couple of times every day  why this NoFap challenge is important to you AND also remind yourself of the fact that you are going to get attacked by urges at some point, or those seconds of weakness and then go plan what you’re going to do when that happens. 

Remind yourself of your "why" on a daily basis - not second by second...

Practice it in advance, even when you’re not having urges. Do this a couple of times a day and it will help you.

And so now you say, “But that sounds like a lot of work”, well a bit of work yes, but it’s a heck of a lot easier than to stand guard at your mind's door every single of those 7.7 million seconds. 

By preparing and going through it in your mind, in advance, you are much more likely to be able to handle it when it happens for real. 

It also makes you much more aware and mindful, so that you can more quickly notice what’s going on when one of those ‘seconds of weakness’ attacks you.

Awareness is key for being able to complete a 90 day NoFap challenge...

Awareness is not the same as standing guard, it simply means being present, and then IF something happens you will  notice it much more quickly simply because you are present.  

So awareness is super helpful when you’re doing NoFap. The more aware you can be the better and you know what, a wonderful tool for increasing your awareness is not only to do the tips I just shared with you, but to also practice meditation.

The more you meditate, the more mindful, present and aware you’ll become and the bigger the gap in time between a sudden trigger and your autopilot reacting mode will become.

Also, If you haven’t already, then make sure to download my free 90 day no pmo advice and tool guide using the link below. It’s not an online course or anything big like that, it's just an easy to read PDF file, almost in bullet points sharing things that will happen to you during certain stages of your reboot and what can be good for you to consider during those phases. 

Feeling stuck? You can transform your life in 13 weeks or less by Downloading my FREE guide below...

And oh hey guys, speaking of the addiction related brain changes, then you should know that understanding what’s going on inside your brain if you’re addicted to porn is going to be so helpful for you, so if you haven’t already, please take a look at a video series I made about that just a few weeks ago.

You can see that series on the screen right here => How masturbating to porn affects your brain. 

This is Scandinavian Bob signing out for today, keep going and keep being a dopamine focused warrior.

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