A Poem About Internet And Porn Addiction

Dopamine, The 'Con Man'.
I wrote a short poem about internet and porn addiction.
I hope you can enjoy...
Alone in the dark of the online night,
all those pixels are there, an alluring sight.
Little does he know, it’s a dangerous path.
in cheap dopamine, he’s taking a bath.
Lost in the chatter, the noise of the crowd,
he's adrift in the void, where silence is loud.
Each notification - a fleeting caress,
yet beneath the surface, a gnawing distress.
Desperate for relief, in a world of deceit,
behind curtains he hides, alone and discreet.
The void in his chest, an endless abyss,
grows wider with each digital kiss.
Alone in the crowd, a ghost in the wire,
he yearns for connection, for something much higher.
But the pixels and data, they offer no cure,
just a hollow embrace, forever obscure.
Written by Scandinavian Bob in March 2024
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