Anyone Else Failed No Nut November? (I Failed, Now What?)

no nut november pmo addiction porn-addiction the negative effects of porn

The online course I mention in the end of the video can be found right here.

Did you just fail No Nut November?

Well you're not alone.

But what does it mean to fail No Nut November?

Well, let's jump in and take a look...

Anyone Else Failed No Nut November? 

Scandinavian Bob here, hi.

So as most of you already know no nut November has just started, and if you’re new to my channel, you might be wondering, “what happens if I fail this challenge?” “what does it mean?”

Well, it doesn’t have to mean anything, but it can either mean that you didn’t take it seriously enough, or here’s something to consider…

It might also mean that you might be having a bit of a problem with porn.

Now, I’m not saying you have porn addiction because many guys do NOT, but let’s say you fail this challenge even though you were really trying, and then you go “what the fuck?” ,and then you decide to really take it seriously and you try again, and you fail again.

And maybe you try a few more times and you still can’t do it, well then that is a pretty big red flag for you.

If you’re new here I can tell you that I am a former porn addict myself and I didn’t know I was addicted until I tried taking a break from it. 

And the reason for why I wanted to take a break was because I had just found Gary Wilsons site, Your brain on porn, and learned that fapping to online porn can cause problems in the bedroom, and so I wanted to see if my weak boners would get better if I took a break from porn.

I couldn't make it 90 days without porn...

Scandinavian Bob with his tiny coffee cup...

So I myself decided to go for 90 days, but I couldn’t do it, in fact it took me several years before I finally made it to 90 days my first time.

And let me tell you, this has happened to MANY men out there, that they didn’t know before trying to give it up or take a break.

I can link to a 4 part video series about what porn can do to the brain in the end of this video, and over  there talk more about how I found out about this, but bore i do, let me just repeat that if you fail once or twice, it doesn’t have to mean that you got a problem.

Other red flags...

But if you during the last couple of years also have noticed any or several of the following then there’s an even bigger red flag..

  • You have less motivation and drive.
  • Your libido is lower, especially for real life people.
  • Lower mood and or worse anxiety.
  • You struggle with low sensitivity down there, maybe you also have trouble climaxing.
  • You have a harder time focusing for a long time.
  • You have sluggish or even worthless boners. 

Yes, these can all be linked to a porn addiction and there are more,  I talk more about those in that series I mentioned. But if you notice any of those in combination with you failing a 30 day challenge several times EVEN though you’re really taking it seriously, then you should definitely start looking into it.

If you can't even do 30 days without porn...

I used to say, if you can not make it to 30 days, you should do everything in your power to make it to 90.

And by that I simply mean that you should learn more about porn addiction so that you can gain control, and then you can finally make it to 90 and beyond, of course.

Because it is super hard to make it to 90 if you have completely lost control of your habit, but even some hardcore addicts can sometimes make it 30 days if they really white-knucle it and if they're lucky.

But 90 days, if you really are addicted and you are just winging it without any plan whatsoever, it ain't happening.

No Nut November can reveal a potential porn problem...

So I can’t really say I’m a big fan of No nut november, but at least it helps some people become more aware of the fact that online porn can really be addictive. 

And that for a lot of people  it can cause many kinds of negative effects, and speaking of weak boners like I mentioned a minute ago. 

I have made a really, really short guide on how to go from softer to harder, should you be struggling with that, and you can download that guide by using the link below...

Download >>My FREE Guide<<  For Harder Boners Now!

And the 4 part video series about porn and the brain can be found right here, so if you want more info on this, click on part one that you can see on the screen right now and I’ll see you over there. 

Thanks for reading,

-Scandinavian Bob

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