Are The Benefits Of Quitting Porn Just Placebo? (Look Here)
Scandinavian Bob here, hi!
There are guys out there who try quitting porn, and they do not really feel any strong benefits. And naturally they then start questioning all the hype surrounding NoFap and quitting porn.
Well, there can be many reasons behind why someone experiences just very mild, or even no benefits from quitting porn, and I have talked about them in some of my older videos.
But today I’m going to give you a few more reasons and some questions you need to ask yourself if you are not seeing any progress.
Are the benefits of quitting porn just placebo?
So, do yourself a favor now and answer the following questions as honestly as you can
- Are you drinking a lot of alcohol?
- Or are you using any kind of other drugs?
- Are you playing several hours of video games per day?
- Are you eating junk food most days of the week?
- Are you aimlessly browsing several hours a day?
- Are you addicted to social media?
You see, all of these are what we can call supernormal stimuli, and each one of them can actually be potent enough to numb your reward system if you really overuse them.
Desensitization from watching porn is not an on - off thing...
Now, you also need to understand that desensitization is not an on off thing, it’s more of a spectrum.
Meaning, one can be more or less desensitized, but the fact is, if you are really hammering your brain's reward system with huge amounts of some, or several, of these - then it is indeed possible to be so numb that you don’t experience any benefits from quitting porn at all.
My personal experience with lingering benefits of quitting porn...
Those of you who have been following me for a while are familiar with my own reboot history, and you know that I was struggling for years before I finally became free.
This means that I also had many different streaks over the years, and on some of them I say just mild benefits while on others almost no benefits.
And in the beginning I too was sceptical when I hear guys claiming how amazing they felt, but now I’m going to share what I experienced on one of my streaks with you.
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On one special NoFap streak I noticed this...
Oh man, I remember this streak like it was yesterday.
You see, many years ago I drank quite a lot of alcohol, but during this particular streak I had decided to go for a long time without alcohol, and there is one evening I remember particularly well.
I was on day 85 of zero alcohol and day 30 of no porn.
And for 30 days I had also limited my internet use to max one hour per day, almost zero social media, and I was also on day 30 of no junk food.
Child-like excitement for life itself...
I was sitting in front of my TV and there was a documentary going on and I just had this amazing feeling.
I remember seeing a sunset in that documentary and it suddenly just hit me hard how beautiful it was - and the background music that was playing sounded so amazing.
I suddenly felt this child-like excitement. You know, like we had when we were 9 or 10 years old when everything was exciting about life.
I just felt so alive. Cutting down on those super stimulating things had done a lot of good to my dopamine system...
And, man, that evening the music sounded better to me than it had done in maybe 20 years. And I had this tingly feeling in my body of just being so alive.
It was almost like having feelings of urges in the body, but without the urge to act out...
...if that makes sense.
I felt so vibrant and I knew right then and there that, man, this no pmo lifestyle was really working.
Cutting down on those super stimulating things, had clearly done a lot of good to my dopamine system.
Don't stare yourself blind at the day counter...
Now, I don’t want you to stare yourself blind at the days here, because again, we are all different, and this was not my first no porn streak either.
And as you know, if you have long enough streaks and your slips are not that big, then the progress is cumulative, meaning it builds up over time - even with some relapses in between.
So my day 30 right here does not have to say that much as it could be another guy's day 75, for example.
Or even my own day 75, but on another streak.
The point is that if you keep hammering your reward system with stupid amounts of stimuli, don’t expect to get those amazing benefits either.
Some guys may need much more time before seeing any benefits from quitting porn...
That said, some unlucky guys who are severely addicted might need a much longer time before starting to see any benefits from quitting porn at all, even if they cut everything out.
And, also, speaking of severely addicted, a word of warning here...
Don't try to tackle every bad habit at once...
If you are just starting out, then don’t try to tackle every bad habit at once, because that is just too difficult.
Get some momentum going with one thing first, and then tackle another bad habit.
What you can, and should do, however, is...
Well, let’s say it’s your second week of no PMO and you are seriously trying to quit that habit for good.
You are impatient and want to start feeling better as soon as possible so you look at all those supernormal stimuli, wondering how you should go about it.
Well, instead quitting everyone at the same time, what you can do right away is to limit your use.
Gradual elimination of your exposure to supernormal stimulus...
Have zero tolerance for PMO, but then for example make a rule of max 60 minutes of video games per day.
And perhaps eating junk food max two days a week.
You have to experiment with yourself here and be flexible in order to find out what works best for you. And then, the further you get into your streak, and the less you do those unhealthy low value dopamine activities, the more awesome you will start to feel.
Alcohol may be an exception...
The alcohol, though, well if you are consuming a lot of it, I would really try to cut down on that pretty quickly, as it will hold you back in so many ways. And it significantly increases your risk of PMO relapses as well.
Alright, I hope you found this informative, and if you need my help with relapses, you can find a link to my coaching page right here.
Thanks for reading.
-Scandinavian Bob
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