Are There Benefits Of Going Through a Porn Addiction (Check This Out)

pmo addiction porn-addiction quitting porn

Most of you are starting to be up to speed about the negative effects to much porn can have on your brain.

But are there any benefits of going through a porn addiction.

Or are there any benefits of going through an addiction in genera?

Well, let's jump in and find out...

Benefits of going through a porn addiction...

Scandinavian Bob here hi,

Are you addicted to anything? 

Well, I know that many of my subscribers are, and today I have some bad and some good news for you, so you might want to concentrate and stay focused here.

So, what do I mean by the title of this video?

Should you be grateful for your addiction? 

Should we be grateful for your addiction - despite the pain?

Well, first let’s not sugarcoat it here, struggling with a serious addiction can come with a lot of pain and suffering and it is not easy.

So, now you might say "Why should we even try to be grateful for it?"

Well, fair question and look, I’m not saying we should.

We are just going to play around with the thought for a moment, because listen... 

Even though we suffer when we are in the midst of an addiction, when the time comes that we overcome the addiction, or shall we say start to be able to have control over the addiction we have actually become pretty damn strong.

Overcoming an porn addiction gives you a stronger prefrontal cortex (PFC)...

I mean this in several ways.

I remember a study Gary Wilson shared on one rebooting forum, showing that people who managed to overcome an addiction now have a stronger prefrontal cortex than people who never were addicted in the first place. 

Now, as you know the PFC is the part of the brain that is responsible for giving you self control. And I agree that it may sound a bit strange, but it is kind of logical when we think about it.

Let me ask you this, the people who have had to overcome an addiction, what did they have to do?

Saying no to temptations is like putting in a rep - for your brain...  

Well, they had to say no to learn how to say no to temptations again and again and again, literally thousands of times.

And each time we do not give in to urges, we are making the prefrontal cortex stronger.

Yes each time you do not follow a craving it is like you are doing a biceps curls for the PFC.

Now, if some of you now start thinking, "Hey that sounds cool. I’m not addicted yet so let’s make myself addicted to something so I too get to train my PFC!"...

...then no...don’t be stupid!

Don't get addicted on purpose...

Because first, that’s way too risky, because many people never manage to get out of an addiction.

So, that would be too dangerous and second, there are plenty of other ways you can train your PFC without being addicted. Like for example, by meditating or by building up your self-control by taking cold showers, and so on.

So no, don’t get addicted on purpose!

Once you'll get out of your porn addiction you'll be a stronger individual...

However, if you already are addicted then it can indeed be beneficial to look on the bright side of things and know that once you’ll get out of this, you will be stronger.

Because that positivity might make it easier for you to find the strength to keep going when things are hard.

And God knows there will be hard times.

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The bad news...

The bad news then?

Well, when you are becoming addicted to something, and it does not matter what it is, you get these sensitized pathways in your brain.

These pathways are what we could call a super memory of pleasure and those pathways play a big part in why you keep relapsing.

Now, these pathways will become weaker with time, but the bad news is that they will probably always be there in your brain for the rest of your life.

Sensitized pathways in porn addiction...

But don’t freak out now, because they will “fall asleep”, if we could put it like that.

Meaning, once you get control over your addiction, they will not always make you suffer from constant high cravings. 

However, they can be reactivated and this is why for example sober alcoholics need to stay away from even having just one or two drinks, because if they do, they could reactivate those sleeping pathways. 

Some of you may be familiar with my personal pmo addiction story, if not I can link to a video where I talk about it in the end of this video.

But as some of you already know, I struggled with PMO addiction for about 7 years before I finally managed to climb out of the hell hole…

Am I bitter and resentful for having had to fight a porn addiction?

Now, if someone were to ask me, ok Bob, so are you bitter and resentful because you had to suffer for 7 years, or when looking back at it now, could you even be happy that you had to go through it

Well, to be honest I don’t know if I can say I’m happy about it. 

Because I think those 7 years may have made me age faster, since it was such a stressful time.

Overcoming my addiction gave more more discipline and self control...

However I am indeed a bit grateful because I definitely notice the stronger prefrontal cortex phenomenon now, as I nowadays have almost a ridiculously amount of discipline and self control.

And here’s the thing though, I have to keep on top of my game.

My history forces me to be on top of my game...

I can’t start binging on junk food and start skipping my physical exercise, because I know that that could lead me into a downward spiral - which could end in me relapsing and start using online porn again.

The same goes with alcohol.

I can’t party like I used to, because that makes the PFC weaker and thus it could make me have a PMO relapse. 

So, I have to keep on top of my game!

And this is also why I still keep journaling, two times a day, because I can’t afford to slip and, yes, it may sound, well, a bit sad to have to keep being diligent like this, you know as it takes effort and all.

But you now what...

That is exactly why I really could be grateful for having had the addiction, because it forces me to now be healthy in mind, body and spirit - and it forces me to keep on top of my game.

In a way I might be better off now...

Whereas if I never had to struggle with this, I might perhaps keep drinking a bit too much alcohol, eat to much junk food and just not having the same growth mindset.

And, yes, in fact, I would actually be a weaker man.

So, yes, in some strange way I really have to say, I’m grateful for having had to suffer with my PMO addiction.

I hope this video gave you some more food for thought, and if you are suffering right now, hey man, I feel your pain.

I really do, but, just know that things will get better and once they do, you will be stronger than ever.

Something to consider, right there.  

Alright and as always, if you need my help with rebooting, just click the link under this video where it says, coaching, and I’ll set you up for a 1 on 1 call.

And if you are interested in hearing the details from my own rebooting, you can see the video where I share my story by clicking right here.

Alright this is Scandinavian Bob signing out for today.

Thanks for reading!

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