Avoiding Porn Addiction Triggers (Corridors of Doom)

porn relapse porn-addiction quitting porn

Scandinavian Bob here hi.

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Avoiding porn addiction triggers

Today we are going to talk about something that you can use to drastically reduce your relapse frequency.

It's a mental game that I call Corridors Of Doom and can actually be really really helpful.

Most of you already know what a trigger is. You know, something that can trigger you to act out and to relapse.

A trigger can be pretty much anything that reminds you of your addiction, for example a popup window of a hot chick, or a thumbnail of a fitness model on YouTube.

It can even be a certain time of the day or an event and so on. Basically something that activates your relapse cycle. 

Porn addiction triggers are related to this mental game...

Now, the corridors of doom are kind of related to triggers, but here we are talking about activities you do that are putting you in immediate danger of a porn addiction relapse. 

It is a mental game.

Check this out...

Let’s say you are walking around in a big old house.

It is a scary house.

And let’s say that this room here (see video) is a porn relapse. If you open the door to this room you are relapsing.

You all know what you consider to be a relapse so you can picture yourself YOUR relapse in this room.

Exciting corridors...

Now, outside of that room there are some scary corridors and whenever you are walking around in those corridors, you are not relapsing, but man you are in a danger zone because it is so easy for you to just open the door to the relapse room.

Now, many years ago back when I was in the middle of my own reboot I used to journal on a rebooting forum and over there I also had friends. We were supporting each other and we were commenting in each other's journal.

With one guy over there I started to notice that most of the time he or I had had a relapse, it was because we had been walking around in those corridors. I remember that we used to call it, “snooping around in the corridors of doom”.

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Don't snoop around in the corridors of doom...

And so now some of you say, ok great, but what does that mean then?

Well, fair question and here’s the deal... 

Let’s say you are searching on google for in what country your favorite adult movie star is born.

For most people this act in and of itself is not a relapse, but man now you are snooping around in the corridors of doom, because you know as well as I do, that on the page where you'll find your answer there WILL be something to click on that takes you straight to an adult site.

It is literally like you are walking around in the corridors of doom and you are right outside your relapse room and it would only take a couple of seconds for you to open the door and BAM!!!...

...there it is.

The relapse!

More examples of snooping around in the 'porn addiction trigger corridors of doom'...


Another example could be, spending time on Instagram where girls often want to post teasing photos of themselves and you start following those pictures.

Well, if you do, now you are snooping around in the corridors of doom again.

Dating apps...

Or it could be dating apps, depending on how you use them. If you start using them in a way that mimics the way you search for artificial stimuli on adult sites, then you are for sure snooping around in the corridors of doom again.


Netflix can be totally fine if you use it in a smart way, but if you start thinking thoughts like, "I wonder how much they are allowed to show here, in terms of arousing stuff?"

And you start looking for it, and you try to justify it to yourself by saying, "I’m just going to check IF there is anything such to be found here", well again now you are snooping around in those corridors again.

Write done your porn addiction corridors...

I’m sure you get the picture by now and I would recommend that you take a moment to write down all possible danger-activities that you can do.

Write it down in your rebooting journal and THEN on a day to day basis this can actually become a really helpful mind game for you if you frequently ask yourself, "Hey am I snooping around in the corridors of doom right now? 

If the answer is yes, well, you best leave that corridor, or at the very least do not spend a lot of time in there - because remember...

The door to your relapse room is just two seconds away.

So, start practicing this.

I’m sure it will be helpful for you and if you feel that you would like some more help I’m now also offering one on one coaching via Zoom, so if you would like me to help you achieve your rebooting goals, just click this link and it’ll take you to my coaching page and over there you can read about how it works.

Alright this Scandinavian Bob signing out for today.

Thanks for reading!

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