Can Counting NoFap Days Hold You Back? (Warning!)

nofap pmo addiction quitting porn

The online course I mention in the end of the video can be found right here.

Should you count days on NoFap?

Or, should you count the number of days you've been clean from porn?

Is it good or bad to count days if you are trying to overcome a porn addiction?

Well, let's jump in and take a look...

Can Counting NoFap Days Hold You Back?

Should you give up on NoFap in order to gain success?

Well, not in the way you think, but there is one mindset aspect of this that many people who are on NoFap, would actually be better off giving up on.

And that is the mindset that NoFap is this extreme thing. Or that you somehow are depriving yourself of pleasure in life. 

Don't just focus on what you can't do...

I find it ironic that there are, without exaggeration, billions and billions of things you could be doing in life, yet so many of you are keeping your focus on that one single thing you can not do.

In other words fap your brains out to online adult websites. 

Your main focus should be going on what you WANT to do...

Listen guys, your main focus should be going out here, into the world.

On, your goals, the possibilities and what you could achieve on what you want to do. 

And not so much on what day you’re currently on or worrying about how many days you lost after your last relapse. or what counts as a relapse and on and on.

The problem with focusing to much on "what day" you're on...

Look, I’m not saying counting days is bad. In fact, if it motivates you, I think you should keep doing that. But I know for a fact that there are many guys out there who are over-focusing on it, to the point of them losing sight of the bigger picture.

Here's another way to put it...

Your grandfather was automatically doing NoFap...

For me NoFap just means that I don’t pleasure myself to online websites. And that also means, my grandfather was doing NoFap even though he had no clue he was because back then there was no internet. 

Back then it was just called living life or to put it more accurately, it was the only existing reality OR to even further play with the words, back then reality was the only existing reality.

Numbers in a vacuum don't really tell you much...

What I’m trying to tell you here guys, is that numbers in a vacuum hardly means anything at all. 

And so now you say, "What do you mean in a vacuum?”

Well, I mean if you don’t attach any surrounding to the number it is pretty much meaningless. 

Two different rebooting scenarios...

Let’s say we have person A here to the right here who has for some reason, even though he’s been trying for a long time now, never been able to pass 80 days on NoFap.

But during his streaks he has been studying math, learning another language, exercising in the gym, learning a musical instrument, getting to know people, started a business, traveled the world, dating and on and on.

Well, then we have person B to the left here who is now on day 500 on NoFap, but he has not even been outside of his house all this time.

For some reason he has chosen to not do anything and is just lying in bed all day long staring at the ceiling.  

The person who is getting the most out of life is "winning"....

Well, would anyone in their right mind say that person B is doing better?

Of course not. So you see if we put it like this you see just how little the number in and of itself has and that what matters a thousand times more is life itself. 

Listen guys, NoFap is not about the number of days you've accumulated; it’s about the growth, resilience, and strength you build along the way. 

Shift your focus from the calendar to your character, and you'll find that the days will naturally add up. 

Don’t misunderstand what I’m saying here...

Sure you can count your days if you want to, and when it comes to things like flatline, rebooting and so on it can even be good to know what to expect during certain phases of your rebooting.

But use the numbers as motivation and as a tool to help you go out there and grab your life by the balls. 

Focusing only on your day-counter might make you lose the game of NoFap...

Because one thing's for sure, if you make the number on your counter the main, or your only focus, you are not winning the game of NoFap, but you’re actually losing the game of life.

Ok, so I hope that gave you some food for thought and should it be the case you are relapsing so often that it’s totally robbing you of  motivation and drive to even know where to begin then you can read about my 4-Step Porn Crushing System here.

And oh hey guys, if you need some helpful tips on what you can do instead of fapping to porn in order to feel good right now. Then take a look at the video you see on the screen right here. 

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