Can Hot Girls On Social Media Also Give You PIED? (Porn Induced ED)

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Are you struggling a bit with porn induced ED? (PIED)

And now you're wondering if clicking on social media girls also can be bad for your PIED recovery?

Or even if so-called "soft core" content like that can cause PIED?

Well, let's jump in and take a look at it...

Can Hot Girls On Social Media Also Give You PIED? (Porn Induced ED) 

Scandinavian Bob here, hi.

So I got the following question Yesterday: 

Hey, I had a question. So I have been on nofap journey recently. It seems like I have completely stopped watching porn which is great but I constantly see myself edging to models on insta. Are these types of content also as dangerous as porn ? Wanted to have your view. I would love to see a video where you talk about these types of soft corn contents.”’

Well, first of all, congratulations for leaving porn behind. Good job, brother.

This is a great question you’re asking, because it’s an important one, so thank you for that.

Clicking on social media girls and PIED recovery...

if you're trying to unhook from p**n addiction or fix some kind of problems p**n has caused this should definitely be avoided, because it is the same online sexual behavior. 

I.e. Being online clicking (or scrolling) from model to model to model, click, click, search, search, click, click. 

You see, you are driving up your dopamine and controlling it with the click of a mouse -  while you're also pairing that with edging. 

Paring the social media girls with masturbation / edging can cause problems...

And it is that paring thing that can become particularly problematic. 

Here’s why…

Whenever your dopamine is high, your brain is a learning machine.

That’s right, when dopamine is high everything you see, hear and experience right then gets deeper imprinted into your memory, because your reptilian brain interprets high dopamine as something that is vital for your survival.

This is why we easily get addicted to high dopamine stuff, by the way, because your brain can forms a super-memory of those things.

You're training the brain that it needs constant clicks in order to keep the arousal going...

So since your brain is a learning machine when dopamine is high, what you are doing here is that you are literally teaching your brain that it needs those constant clicks to something new, every 15 seconds or so,  in order for you to keep your  arousal going.

Now, what are you gonna do when you end up in bed with a real life woman?

You can't click to a new woman there in the bedroom after 15 seconds.

And since you’ve been training your brain that it needs a new model with the click of a mouse you can now potentially  lose your arousal, and thus also erection, after 15 seconds of trying to have sex.

You can't click to a new girl in a real life situation...

I can’t count the number of emails I get every single week from different guys from all around the world saying, Bob , I don't know what’s going on. I have the ability to get hard in the beginning of our love making, but then after a half minute of so I just go soft. 

Well, there you go!

"Now you know what’s going on. It’s because your brain is used to get constant clicks of something new every 15 to 30 seconds. Because if you didn’t know, novelty significantly spikes your dopamine."

Even 'milder' stuff can cause PIED...

Yes, so even if it’s not technically porn you are watching, this is what we call porn substitutes. And I’m not saying everyone who is doing this will run into problems, but I am saying that you’d be surprised to know how often it happens.

Of course it’s worse with real super stimulating porn, but here’s the deal, did you know that the place in your brain that governs your sexuality does not actually understand porn.

It just understands what makes YOU turned on.

Also porn substitutes should be avoided, if you're struggling with your erections...

And obviously you’re getting turned on by that activity because you’re edging to it. And this is why porn addiction experts like Gary Wilson also pointed out so often that so-called porn substitutes are also to be avoided. 

And I agree.

If you want to do your best to guarantee a healthy love life for you, it’s definitely best to stay away from porn substitutes as well.

Especially edging or fapping to it, and even if you’re not edging as well. But of course the chances of you running into problems increase significantly if you are edging while you do it.

Ok, so guys if you haven’t already, make sure to download my FREE 90 Day No PMO Advice & Tool guide using the link below.

Feeling stuck? You can transform your life in 13 weeks OR LESS by Downloading my FREE guide below...

And for more info on what’s going on in the brain, because I think it’s important that you learn about things like this, you can click on the video you see right here.

This is Scandinavian Bob signing out for today, consider giving me a like and subscribe, and remember, the secret to life is to have a supercharged dopamine system.

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