Can I Recover From Porn Addiction Even With Relapses? ( PMO Reboot )

pmo reboot porn-addiction quitting porn

Are you trying to recover from a porn addiction?

And you're doing a so-called PMO reboot?

And now you're wondering if it's possible to recover even if having a few relapses here and there?

Well, let's jump in and take a look...

Can I Cure My Porn Addiction While Relapsing?

Scandinavian Bob here, hi.

I often get the question, “Is 90 Days a must to be cured on NoFap?”

So, can you be cured even with some relapses here and there without ever reaching 90 days in a row?

I’m going to answer this question from the perspective of someone who has a real addiction to adult sites and is now doing a so-called PMO reboot to reclaim his sexuality and recover his dopamine system.

We are not talking about semen retention here...

It’s important to clarify that, because people define NoFap differently. So, I’m not talking about semen retention here or guys who just do NoFap as a fun little challenge, okay?

First of all, you need to know that there’s nothing magical about the 90-day mark.

It’s not like nothing happens for 89 days, and then suddenly on day 90, everything is fixed.

No, healing is taking place under the surface all the time when you’re not using your drug, even if you don’t always notice it.

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90 Days is a good milestone to aim for...

That said, 90 days is a good milestone to aim for because some people do experience full recovery within that time.

And even for those who don’t, most start seeing at least some positive changes, though, of course, not everyone.

Now, just because 90 days is a good milestone doesn’t mean you should go back to your old habits once you hit it.

That would be pretty foolish if you’ve finally started seeing real benefits. So, if you’re aiming for 90 days, don’t lower your guard after you pass it.

What if you relapse a couple if times - can you still be cured?

Alright, so what if you relapse a couple of times within that 90-day period?

Let’s say you relapse twice during those 90 days. Can you still be cured from a porn addicition?

Well, first of all, I’m not a big fan of the word “cured” because if you’re addicted to something, several changes occur in your brain, and some of those changes heal faster than others.

But if you only relapse twice during 90 days, yes, your dopamine system can make great progress. Depending on how healthy your lifestyle is, you could get almost to 100%. Maybe not quite, but close.

Desensitization is not an on / off thing...

And that’s not such a big deal when you think about it because desensitization isn’t an on/off thing. Most of us are a bit desensitized from time to time, even if we’re not addicted—unless we’re doing some dopamine fasting regularly.

So, if you’ve gone from relapsing several times a month to just twice in 90 days, you should be really proud of yourself. You’re making fantastic progress. But, of course, you keep working on yourself to make even better progress.

With relapses, the memory of pleasure will not get weaker...

Here’s the thing: when it comes to the sensitized addiction pathways in your brain, it’s a bit trickier. Every time you relapse, even if it’s rare, you’re signaling to your brain not to fully let go of the addiction.

By giving in to cravings now and then, your brain learns that as long as it hits you with strong urges, you might cave and give it the drug.

So, while your dopamine system may be doing well, you’re still keeping your addiction alive in terms of cravings and urges.

What about PIED and your drive for real-life partners?

I’ve seen guys recover from PIED even if they never made it 90 days without relapsing. But I’ve got to be honest with you: many guys won’t recover like that.

If you have super mild PIED or just low libido, yes, it’s possible to recover your sexuality even with a couple of relapses during a 90-day stretch. Quite a few people do it, so it is possible. But again, not everyone does.

As you can see, this isn’t a black-and-white issue, and it can’t be answered with a simple yes or no.


The takeaway here is that you should be really proud of yourself for every progress you’re making, but you should still keep striving to improve more and more until you’re free from this crap because you have to realize this…

This nasty adult industry they WANT you to be addicted to that crap. In fact they are doing their best to get you and keep you hooked. 

And when you know about all the negative effects addiction causes, this should make you pretty pissed of, and make you go “fuck you” they can go to hell with I’m not going to let them control me like that any longer.

And that’s a good attitude to have because you’re too good to be taken advantage of like that and you deserve to have a healthy well functioning dopamine system.

Ok, so, if you haven’t already you make sure to download my FREE 90 day No PMO Advice and tool guide using the link below.

Feeling stuck? You can transform your life in 13 weeks OR LESS by Downloading my FREE guide below...

And, oh hey guys...

Take a look at the post how to upregulate your dopamine receptors after addiction right here, if you want to know how to speed things up a bit.

Thanks for reading.

-Scandinavian Bob

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