Can Meditation Help You Quit Porn? (Strong Relationship)
The online course I mention in the end of the video can be found right here.
Are you wondering if meditation can help you quit porn?
Or, if meditation can help with overcoming a porn addiction?
Well, look no further because this is exactly what we are going to talk about today.
Let's begin...
Can Meditation Help You Quit Porn?
How to stop watching porn by using meditation.
Hi, it’s Scandinavian Bob here, a former porn addict who is going to share something very useful for you right now.
Did you know meditation can actually be very similar to being an excellent NoFap warrior who completely crushes all the urges?
Or a better way to put it would be, a NoFap warrior who skillfully navigates around all the urges without letting them grab him.
This is how it works…
There are of course many ways to meditate, but one way is to focus on the breath.
To focus on the cool airstream going in through the nose and out through the mouth. And here’s the key…when doing this there is inevitably going to pop up some, distracting thoughts.
And the key here is not to engage with them, not to let grab us but to just notice them when they arise and then you just calmly shift your focus back to the breath.
Building strength to real with distractions...
And of course this is going to happen over and over, but then you always just go back to the breath, back to the breath, back to the breath.
And each time you do this back to the breath, it is like you’re doing rep not for your biceps, but for your brain, your prefrontal cortex.
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Applying the same concept to porn cravings...
Then my friends, later on in the day when you’re not meditating, there will inevitably also pop up some distracting porn cravings in your mind.
And here too you can start to just notice those cravings, and then you just calmly shit your focus back to your goals, without letting the urges grab you.
Similarities between meditation and craving control...
You just notice the porn urges, and then you shift your focus back to your goals, back to your goals, back to your goals.
Can you see the similarities here with the meditation session?
Importance of written goals...
And this is also just one more reason why all of you should have goals written down, because we absolutely also need a direction forward to aim at. And not just be thinking about what we want to avoid. So when you’re having urges, shift your focus back to your goals, back to your goals, back to your goals.
Becoming a skillful NoFap / No PMO warrior....
So, I think you now can see that if you practice a lot of mediation, of course you will become a more skillful NoFap warrior then as well.
Because it really has a carryover effect and it is pretty similar.
Practice makes perfect...
Now you might perhaps not get the hang of it right away, but the more mediation sessions you log in, the better you will also be able to handle porn cravings when they arise.
Does this make sense to you?
I hope it does.
Of course this takes quite a lot of practice to get the hang of, and it may perhaps not be enough to completely bring you out of the grips of porn, but it will make you better and is still at least worth giving a try.
Sharpening your metaphorical sword...
You can look at meditation as a tool on your NoFap journey. Picture yourself being a NoFap warrior who is fighting his way forward with his head held high and his heavy, and powerful sword in his hand.
Well, you can look at those meditation sessions as the warrior’s way of sharpening his sword.
Because in a way that’s what you are doing when you train your brain with meditation like this. You are sharpening your metaphorical sword so that you are ready for the porn urge best when it arises later on.
Make your NoFap journey fun...
I think it’s a pretty fun and cool way to look at it.
And that’s good. We don’t need to make our journey 100% all serious and , you know, only about putting in David Goggins effort all the time. It should be fun and exciting to walk the path as well.
Final thoughts...
I hope you found this helpful or at least that it motivated you in some way because, well, I don’t know what to say other than, I love you guys and that’s what I’m here for.
Alright, and so, if you already tried meditation, you keep struggling and or you would need something much more potent and powerful, like a full online system for quitting porn, well then you can read about my 4-step porn crushing system.
Right NOW I have a big summer sale going on so now is the absolute best time for you to grab it and save some money before the price increases back to normal. Limited time only so you need to hurry up.
And also, click on the video right here and discover an interesting dopamine graph that will take your NoFap journey to the next level.
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