Can NoFap Make Your Penis Smaller? (Use it or lose it?)

nofap pmo addiction quitting porn

The quality manhood guide I mention in the end of the video can be found right here.

Have you recently started NoFap?

And now you're worried about whether or not it can shrink your penis?

Well, if so, this is the post for you...

Can NoFap Make Your Penis Smaller?

Scandinavian Bob here, hi.

So Last week I got a comment in the comment section here on YouTub and the comment started by this person saying, “ NoFap is dangerous because if you don’t use your penis it it shrinks and becomes smaller and smaller and smaller”. 

Oh, wow, that comment has so many errors in it that I’m not even sure where to start.

NoFap does not have to mean never using your penis...

First of all, You can still have as much sex with your wife, girlfriend, boyfriend as you like.

Second, every single month I have to point out that NoFap is not the same as semen retention.

Here is how the very founder of the term NoFap himself, Alexander Rhodes,  define  NoFap, and the ide of his forum….

NoFap™ is a community-based peer support website to help people overcome porn addiction and other forms of compulsive sexual behavior.” 

Yes, and that is the very guy who invented the word NoFap.

When I use the word 'NoFap' in my videos, I mostly mean not using porn...

And that is what I myself mean as well whenever I use the word NoFap in my videos, unless I explicitly tell you otherwise. So this means you can even do porn-free masturbation and still be on NoFap. I think the guys over at that forum refers to this as NoFap light mode. 

Some guys include semen retention and total abstinence...

Now, here’s the deal, people on NoFap can ALSO do a strict version IF they want to, and include semen retention into their journey, so that’s why this often gets a bit confusing. But…

Thirdly, even if you are on the strictest form of abstinence and you never bust any nuts or never have any erections during the day your penis still does NOT shrink, for God’s sake.  

Regular healthy blood flow to the penis is necessary - Nocturnal erections to the rescue...

Now sure, regular healthy blood flow to the genitals is good for optimal health, but why the hell do you think we have night time erections for?

Look, It is normal for a man to have a total amount of erection time of somewhere between, maybe 60 minutes, even up to several hours per night when he’s sleeping.

And that’s MORE erection time than what a very sexually active man has during the daytime. 

So even if you never were to touch your penis again, it would still get all the “exercise” it needs every single night while you’re sleeping.

On the other hand, developing porn induced ED is going to be a problem...

Now as a contrast, if you keep fapping your brain out to all that super stimulating porn, and you keep doing that for a few years, then good luck getting your dick up to 100% hardness when with a woman, because now you’re so desensitized that it maybe only fills up to 70% with blood. So, now you’re actually smaller. 

Jeez, so of course I removed this comment, because I don’t want misinformation on my channel scaring my subscribers, and since I care about my subscribers I just have to step in and put the record straight when I see thing like this.

And I felt I needed to make this video just in case some of you happened to see that comment before I deleted it and you have been worrying about that ever since.

Listen guys, I promise you, I have been involved in the NoFap community for 12 years by now, so you can trust me when I say that you can calmly keep doing NoFap without having to worry about stupid things like this. 

So, just KEEP going on your journey, nothing bad will happen to your little friend down there.

In fact, if anything will happen is that NoFap actually makes your libido for real life people stronger, which means your penis will respond better and thus live up to its full potential, so to speak.

Which means a maximum amount 100% blood flow, which is obviously much more fun that trying to fool around with a 70% erection.  

Ok, so I hope that gave you some clarity, and speaking of getting it to 100%, if you feel you want some help and tricks for this, I have made a really short and easy to read, Quality Manhood Guide that I’m giving away from free.

And speaking of NoFap boosting libido, you might want to take a look at a video I made a while back about a urologist who cured his own ED by doing NoFap.

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