Will NoFap Give You Success? (Scientific Link)

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So, can NoFap make you successful?

Will NoFap give you success?

Today we are going to talk about NoFap and dopamine and during the video you will discover why men who really take NoFap seriously can become successful in life.

So really try to focus now for the whole video now, because this will make your jaw drop - and it might seriously change your life!

Dopamine is involved in making guys on NoFap successful

Dopamine is a very important neurotransmitter and you shouldn’t be afraid of it. In fact it is vital for survival and not only that, it is vital for your success in life as well.

What you should be afraid of is elevating it to super high levels, in an unnatural way...

...and I’ll talk more about this in just a second.

Dopamine makes you motivated and gives you drive...

You see, dopamine is so important because it is responsible for getting you motivated to do things that will help you survive and to carry your DNA to the next generation (survival and reproduction).

 This is also why dopamine is involved in you achieving your goals and climbing up in status. Because ,well, those things obviously also have a secondary effect on your survival and reproduction.

Indeed dopamine is so incredibly important for your drive and for you achieving things in life that,...

...well listen to this...

What happens if you deplete all our dopamine?

Scientists decided to do an experiment  to find out what happened if they took a few rats and depleted all the dopamine from the little rat brains.

Well, normally the rats would run around the cage, chase food, have sex, exercise in the rat wheel and run around biting and scratching each other.

You know all the normal rat business.

But when they depleted all the dopamine the rats stopped doing things.

Low dopamine kills motivation and drive...

I mean, the rats stopped doing everything.

They didn’t even eat.

If the researchers put food directly into the rats mouth, then the rats would eat, but if they put the food just a couple of inches in front of the rat the rat would not go for the food.

In fact, they starved to death and this is because,  without dopamine, they had also lost all their motivation.

Enter - John!

Let’s take a look at John.

Here's an example on how lack of NoFap makes John unsuccessful.

John is a 25 year old male who is using a lot of online adult entertainment. 

Now as soon as John opens an adult website the reward system thinks what's going on on the screen is a real opportunity for sex - and thus the dopamine levels shoot up.

This also happens during real sex and so far so good...

…but here comes the deal.

Sky high dopamine for a long time is destructive...

What happens during real sex is that the dopamine levels start to come back down after a while, and this is normal, this is the way it’s supposed to be.

This also happens with adult entertainment, the dopamine wants to come back down after a little while,  however...

...unlike real sex here you can override that natural satiation mechanism by clicking to a new clip and  the dopamine shoots back up.

Then THAT new clip becomes boring after 30 or 40 seconds, or so, and the dopamine starts to drop again - and now you see yet another video under the one you are currently watching and so you click to that one…

…and you keep this going, clicking from video to video, sometimes for hours at end.

 Overriding your brain's natural satiation mechanism means trouble...

 By doing all this clicking, jumping from video to video, you are overriding your brain's natural satiation mechanism.

And here’s where it gets scary so listen up now...

...When you override your natural satiation mechanism like that, your brain will start to protect itself from all the excessive dopamine.

And it does so by killing off a few dopamine receptors!

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 Porn is destroying dopamine receptors...

Now, in order for dopamine to be able to do its job it has to bind to those receptors. And if you keep blasting your brain's reward system with adult sites on a regular basis you will get fewer and fewer receptors. 

And this is what John has been doing for years, so now he is left with a dysfunctional dopamine system in his brain. 

Remember the rats and how they lost all their motivation? 

Well, John still has some dopamine left, since it’s not possible to completely go down to zero, but his dopamine system is indeed functioning on a much lower level.

 John has turned into a man with a complete lack of drive and ambition...

John has become a man with almost no motivation, and if he tries to set some goals for himself, he never manages to achieve them. 

He has basically become a young loser that can only muster up enough energy to play video games, eat junk food and jack off to adult sites. 

But does our dopamine work the same like for the rats?

Now some of you may say...

“Ok, but come on, just because rats lose motivation from low dopamine does not mean people work the same way, does it?”

Oh yes it does, because dopamine has the same function for us humans!

They depleted dopamine in a medical student...

In an experiment on a medical student they decided to give him a drug that depleted his dopamine and this is a quote from the result from that study…

 “During increasing dopamine depletion in this case, a range of subjective experiences appeared and disappeared consecutively. These experiences resembled negative symptoms such as…

  • Loss of motivation
  • Dulled senses
  • Lower mood
  • Fatigue
  • Brain fog
  • Feelings of fear and shame 
  • Anxiety and depressive symptoms”

Well my friends, those are some of the most common symptoms we can face if we have a poor functioning dopamine system.

We can reverse the disrupted dopamine system...

Now that John understands all of this he decides to start doing NoFap and stop using adult sites.

What's so cool about the brain is that when John stops blasting his reward system with all that superstimuli, his brain will heal, and all the receptors will grow back. 

Isn't that great?

It may take a while...

It may take several months before he gets there, but he keeps going, and since 99% of today's men are using adult sites on a regular basis it won't take long before John gets an edge over the “average man out there”. 

And he has now a much higher chance of achieving his goals compared to those other, porn consuming, men out there.

Yes indeed, since NoFap also significantly increases energy, John channels that energy into his goals and having done NoFap for a good amount of time by now, and since he now also has plenty of healthy dopamine receptors in his brain, he will become a goal achieving beast. 

This is why NoFap will give success...

So when you found this article by searching for the phrase, will NoFap give success, now you know what I mean when I say that dopamine is behind success on NoFap.

Because what I just shared is big. Think about it, the majority of young men today are spending the most part of their day by scrolling on social media, playing video games, watching twerks on TikTok and fapping their brains out to porn.

At the same time we are now living in a time when we can actually use that powerful technology to our advantage and for becoming successful as well.

If we instead of consuming low value dopamine content, we start to consume high quality, self help stuff, and start using technology for us, rather than against us. 

Make the super stimulating technology work for you rather than against you...

This is another reason why people who are doing NoFap tend to become successful in today's modern world. They become producers rather than consumers. 

So, if you think your dopamine system is compromised by all the adult entertainment you have been using, start taking NoFap more seriously TODAY.

Do physical exercise, take cold showers, meditate and stay healthy.

All those will all help speed up your recovery,  but the main thing for you is of course stay away from porn relapses and keep doing NoFap.

And then, get the hell away from low value social media use in general and start leveraging the power of technology instead of letting it hijack your dopamine system.

So, there you have it.

Can NoFap give you success?

Well, it doesn't give anything, but it definitely plows open the road for you on your journey. Let's put it that way. 

And yes, I have seen many, many people who take NoFap seriously become incredible successful.

So to sum it all up, I definitely think NoFap can at least be a good hel in giving guys success. No doubt!

 -Scandinavian Bob-

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