Can Quitting Porn Give You Withdrawals? (Poll Plus Experiences From Guys)

low dopamine pmo addiction porn withdrawals porn-addiction quitting porn

Are you curious and wondering, "can quitting porn really give you withdrawal symptoms?"

Is it really that potent?

Well, the short answer is, yes quitting porn can give you withdrawals symptoms. 

But let's take a closer look at what guys have been experiencing here.

Because this blog post is about guys experiences with withdrawals after quitting porn

Let's get to it...

Can Quitting Porn Give You Withdrawals? (Poll Plus Experiences From Guys)

Scandinavian Bob here, hi!

A lot of people are wondering, can getting off porn really give you withdrawal symptoms, and here’s the answer for you.

Yes, absolutely!

Getting off porn can give you withdrawal symptoms.

Now, this doesn’t happen if you’re just one of those guys who are trying NoFap for fun and you never really had any problems with porn, but if you have developed addiction related brain changes, then yes having to go through a period of withdrawals is indeed very likely.

Now, this is nothing new, Gary Wilson started talking about this more than 10 years ago, and I personally suffered withdrawals whenever I tried to unhook, and since then I’ve seen it over and over again on different forums and platforms out there,  but let’s take a look at what my subscribers think.

A few days ago I made a poll in the community section asking…

Hey guys, do you experience withdrawal symptoms when quitting porn?

And as you can see, more than 2 thousand people answered.

  • Only 17% percent said that they have not experienced any withdrawals when going off porn. 
  • 19% said, yes anger and irritability.
  • 27% said, yes stress or anxiety or insomnia
  • 32% said, yes, lower mood, or depression or anhedonia
  • 5% said something else.

And I can tell you guys that for me personally, my most common withdrawal symptoms were anxiety, irritability and depression. 

I also got tremors, and anxiety attacks.

Let’s take a look at a few of your comments as well.

But before we start, just to make sure you guys know what we are talking about here. Withdrawal symptoms are a temporary phase that many experience after quitting, it does not mean that this is the way it’s going to be after quitting.

No, the most acute phase is 1 to 4 weeks after quitting, depending a bit on the person,  and after that most people start feeling better and better week by week.

Clyde Cash: “As someone who quit hard drugs, I can say it's a very similar experience”

Yes, I know that sounds wild, and even though we can’t compare heavy drugs with porn, when it comes to how devastating they can be, the fact is that all addictions share the same fundamental brain changes. 

And the most common brain changes  are…

  • Desensitization
  • Sensitization
  • Hypofrontality 
  • And a dysfunctional stress center. 

But also, guys, you should know that  not everyone who is addicted will face withdrawals either, although most who are addicted will, so again, just like everything else this too is very individual.

chaguitow: "Everything man but it’s worth leaving porn behinds to focus on other stuff but yeah definitely feel more energy more tension"

Yes, this is a good point, because even though I gave you an option to choose symptoms in the poll, it is also common to suffer from all of them at once.

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Jasper Cook: "I've been feeling all of the above symptoms for about a month now"

Yeah, exactly, So Jesper is obviously another example of what I just said.

Garfield Planet: "Boredom/fatigue are the two things for me"

Fatigue is definitely a super common withdrawal symptom. But I wouldn’t really classify boredom as a withdrawal symptom, well in a way it is, it just comes down to how we define it here. 

Boredom is very common though and happens to almost everyone who quits and here’s why, imagine you go outside on a sunny day…and perhaps you even look towards the sun for a few seconds. 

Boredom happens because of this...(hint: desensitization)

Well, if you then immediately go inside, everything looks so dark inside. Almost like it’s night time, even though it’s in the middle of the day.

Well, this is because the sun was so stimulating for your eyes that they quickly dialed down their sensitivity to light, so once inside everything looks dark. 

Dialing down your pleasure response...

Well, online porn is kind of like a dopamine sun, it’s so stimulating that your reward system diles down its sensitivity. 

Then without porn all the day to day activities just seem boring.

  • Talking to a friend
  • Listening to music
  • Watching a movie…

You know, your day to day activities also raise dopamine a bit, but it pales in comparison to the porn so we feel bored.  

But again, if you just push through, it will get better and you’ll start to enjoy normal life more and more.  

Tech Master: "Sometimes I get the shakes and my body trembles"

Yes, as I told you guys, I personally noticed this one as well back when I was suffering.

Vaibhav Mishra: "Man I am having all these symptoms is it bad to have all these at once... :("

You’re wondering if it’s bad…

Well, in my opinion they are negative symptoms, and the word negative kind of means bad…but ok ok, perhaps you mean if having all of those means that you are more severely affected and will make your reboot longer or something like that?

No it does not have to mean that at all.

It’s just that, again, we are all different and react differently.

So don’t worry about that. It’s very normal and there’s nothing wrong with you.

Carlo Gonzalez: "Your suddenly sad and don't know why"

Yes, Carlo brings up a good point.

Emotions can go all haywire when getting off an addiction. One moment you can be on top of the world, only to one hour later feel like everything is going to hell. 

Alright, so in order to not make this video too long I will continue in another video that I will publish the day after tomorrow.

And in that video I’m going to talk about what we can do to deal with those withdrawal symptoms, so make sure to keep an eye out for that.

If you need help, check this out...

And oh hey guys, if you fell off the horse again this weekend and you’re getting sick and tired of relapsing, then do check out this post right here >>A good online course for quitting porn

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