Can Quitting Porn increases Mental Clarity? (Poll Finds Answer)

nofap quitting porn

Wondering if quitting porn can increase mental clarity?

Well, is so, this is the post for you.

Because today I'm sharing a poll were I'm asking my subscribers if NoFap has increased their mental clarity over the months they've been doing it.

And by the way, you should know, whenever I'm talking about NoFap over at my YouTube channel, me and my subscribers know that it is really abstaining from porn that we mean.

So, here goes...

Can Quitting Porn increases Mental Clarity?

Scandinavian Bob here, hi.

Just a really short video today to serve as a helpful tool for your motivation and in the end I also have a favor to ask you guys, so please stick around.

So, yesterday I had a coaching client that said that one of the benefits he has started noticing is less brain for and increased mental clarity. 

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And of course, since I see this over and over again with people who give up adult sites I said to him that, yes that is indeed very very common.

But then I started to think, just exactly how common is it?

So I did a little digging in my older polls on the community section and found this poll right here. 

I asked my subscriber “do you find that NoFap increases mental clarity?” 

And as you can see, 72% said “definitely” and that it’s also very noticeable.

20% said that they think it does. 

In other words, that means 92% voted yes and only 8% no.

In fact, only 2% said that they are absolutely sure that it doesn’t. 

And this wasn’t a really small poll either since more than 1700 people participated. 

So, NoFap and increased mental clarity might just be perhaps the most common NoFap benefit guys are experiencing.

Isn’t that pretty interesting.

Now, here’s the favor I wanted to ask: 

Since I like creating polls, and since you guys like to see the results, what kind of questions would you like me to ask?

Have you experienced anything during your NoFap journey that made you go, “hmm, I wonder if anyone else is experiencing this?”

It can be, benefits, side effects and even negative things. 

Please let me know in the comment section below and I will consider all of your answers when making my future polls in the coming months or so. 

Alright, a short and inspiring  one today, but please comment below, and oh hey guys, if you’re feeling stuck in life right now, and you want even more inspiration, then take a look at this video right here to discover how you can go from being totally stuck in life to dominating within just a year or less.

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