Can You Do Semen Retention if You Lack Willpower And Discipline?
Wondering if you need to be disciplined in order to do semen retention?
Or if this is something you can do if you are weak minded?
Can you retain if you lack self discipline?
Well, let's talk about it...
Can You Do Semen Retention if You Lack Willpower And Discipline?
Weak men can’t do retention.
Now, I’m not saying that those who do not do retention are weak.
What I am saying is that weak men simply can not do it.
In fact, most weak men don’t even try retention, but even if they wanted or if they give it a try they'd always end up failing.
Most people are conditioned to go for instant gratification stuff...
This is because so many people in today's generation are so conditioned to go for instant gratification stuff. They simply can't allow themselves to be not even a tiny bit bored for even just a couple of minutes.
And I really mean that.
It sounds like I’m trying to exaggerate, but when I say "a couple of minutes" I literally mean a couple of minutes, if even that.
Now, I’m not saying it’s easy, because we are completely bombarded with distractions in today’s world. But this is why there’s all the more reason to master the art of having control over your impulses.
You have to become the master over your impulses...
Andrew Huberman, a brilliant professor of neurobiology said in a podcast I recently watched that now more than ever success will only be achieved by those who learn how to navigate around all the distractions in life, and I personally can not agree more.
And you know what?
The absolute best tools you have for learning that are things like...
- Meditating
- Reading
- Fasting
- Dopamine fasting
- And retention.
This is one of the most important skills for you to master in today's world...
I’ve talked a lot about quitting porn in my videos so far, and I will continue to do so because I seriously believe that that is one of the most important things a man an do in his life.
Especially if he’s a frequent user, which to be honest at least 90% of men out there are.
I have always said that quitting porn is much more important than retention, and I still stand by that, it is way more important. But I have to say, I have more and more started to really see the power behind retention in and of itself as well, precisely because of what we just talked about.
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Semen retention is one of the most powerful tools you can have in your self-improvement toolbox...
Yes, retention is probably the most powerful tool you have when it comes to learning how to master the art of not being a slave to your impulses and not being a slave to all the distractions you have around you.
And not only that, I have to be honest, I used to be a bit skeptical about this whole retention thing, but I have also more and more started seeing some truly mind blowing benefits of retention and dopamine fasting itself that if I didn’t experience it myself.
I would probably still be a bit…you know, "Meeh…is this really true?"
This is why I’m going to start making a bit more retention related videos going forward, so by the way, if that’s something that is of interest to you, consider subscribing.
The benefits of semen retention have a more mysterious side as well...
And as far as me starting to see more benefits from retention now and not sooner I think that, well first of all, the semen retention powers are truly mysterious, and that’s actually one cool side of it.
It’s exciting that we’re not totally sure about just exactly how and why it works, but I’m 100% convinced that it has something to do with the dopamine system as well.
I think you can’t experience the full powers of semen retention as long as your dopamine system is desensitized. And it took me a long time for my brain to recover after all of my years binging to porn.
See related post: Are NoFap / retention powers real?
During my PMO recovery I drank a bit too much alcohol and I spent way too much time online, on social media and things like that, so even though I’ve had long retention streaks in the past, I don’t think my dopamine system was working well enough back then for me to truly grasp the full potential of retention.
But man, I have had some pretty powerful things happen to me lately that I’m going to make more videos about and my next video about retention is going to be called Retention only works if your dopamine system is healthy.
So consider subscribing for that and oh hey guys, if you still keep using porn, now’s the time to stop man…listen I know it’s tough, but man it is so worth it and if you feel you need some help in order to do so, take a look at this post right here ==> Dopamine Discipline Review, as over there I talk about something that could actually make it pretty easy for you.
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