Diet and Foods For Porn Addiction Flatline (My Experience)
Are you wondering if diet can have an impact on the porn addiction flatline?
If there are foods that can help speed things up?
Or if eating junk food will prolong PMO recovery?
Well, if so, you've come to the right place, because this is exactly what we are talking about today,
Let's begin...
Diet and Foods For Porn Addiction Flatline
Scandinavian Bob here, hi.
So can diet help reduce the length of a flatline, or perhaps reduce the severity of the ongoing flatline so that you at least can feel some form of s. drive from time to time?
Well I believe it can at least to some extent, both for your dopamine system and then perhaps also foods for testosterone levels, and I’ll tell you more about those in just a second.
But it’s important for me to make it clear that, yes, I’m all for using all kinds of tools and help, but you still need to understand that a porn addiction causes real physical brain changes.
The main goal should be to reverse brain changes...
And no matter what kind of tools we use, the only REAL fix for these brain changes is to, yup, you guessed it stay away from porn.
Alright so with that said, I fully believe that eating clean during a reboot can help speed things up, at least a bit. Because, did you know that eating a lot of junk food can also mess with your dopamine system, just like online adult sites can.
And this can happen even if you don’t have a so-called food addiction.
They have done studies on rats showing how binging on a lot of junk food can pretty quickly start to downregulate their dopamine receptors.
The dopamine receptors are dynamic...
Now, we need to keep in mind here that the dopamine receptors are very dynamic, they constantly dial up and down and up again depending on how we’re living our day to day life, so there’s no need for you to freak out here.
You can still recover just fine even if you enjoy some less unhealthy food a few times a week.
There’s nothing wrong with moderation here, but I have to be honest with you, I do believe that if you’re eating like crap most days of the week, it’s going to take longer for you.
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Moderation is not a bad thing...
Why not aim for eating clean at least 80-90% of the time? Then you can both enjoy the goods of life while staying on the safe side of your dopamine recovery.
I think that’s what I myself do.
Well, honestly I eat clean more in periods throughout the year, and then I eat a bit more unhealthy during my vacation weeks over the year. And then I have more dopamine healthy periods in between those.
But eating healthy will of course also help to keep your testosterone levels high, and that might also help to mitigate the most gruesome flatline symptoms. Definitely not a night and day difference, but I think at least a bit.
And I’ve been experimenting a lot with food and testosterone, even taking blood tests to see how they affect me.
And, of course, since it took me 7 years to stop relapsing I also gone through many flatlines over the years.
So I do know a little bit of something about this and if you’re interested in testosterone boosting foods here are 9 foods that you can see if fits into your current diet or the food values you live by…
Here are 9 foods that are good for testosterone production...
Spinach – A great source of magnesium, which has been linked to higher testosterone levels, especially in active individuals.
Eggs – Rich in protein and cholesterol, both of which are important for testosterone production. They also contain healthy fats which support hormone health.
Nuts (especially almonds and walnuts) – Rich in healthy fats, protein, and zinc.
Oysters – High in zinc, which is essential for testosterone production. Zinc deficiency is linked to lower testosterone levels.
Grass-fed beef Grass-fed beef is also rich in zinc. It also has higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids compared to conventionally raised beef.
Ginger – Studies suggest that ginger supplementation can increase testosterone levels and improve sperm health.
Fatty Fish (like salmon, sardines) – High in omega-3 fatty acids, which can reduce inflammation and help optimize testosterone levels.
Pomegranate – Known for its antioxidant properties, pomegranate has been shown to increase testosterone levels and improve overall cardiovascular health.
Garlic – Contains allicin, a compound that helps lower cortisol levels, thereby preventing the suppression of testosterone, it does some other things as well that may help with your testosterone levels.
Ok, so if you eat these, or at least some of these a few times per week there’s a good chance that many of you start noticing at least a bit stronger libido, unless you’re not super very into a flatline.
And speaking of libido and boners, I have made a short so-called manhood guide that you can grab for free by clicking on the image below...
Download >>My FREE Guide<< For Harder Boners Now!
It’s just a super short pdf file, recommending some additional tools and tricks for you, so-called manhood, should you be interested in improving the quality of that.
Thanks for reading,
-Scandinavian Bob
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