Do Wet Dreams Affect Porn Addiction Recovery? (The Truth)
Are you trying to recover from a porn addiction?
Maybe you have PIED or some other porn induced sexual problem?
And now you're wondering if wet dreams are interfering with your porn addiction recovery?
So, what's the deal?
Do wet dreams hinder your progress or not?
Let's take a look...
Do Wet Dreams Affect Porn Addiction Recovery
Scandinavian Bob here, hi.
A few days ago I was surfing around on YouTube watching other NoFap YouTubers for a while.
And under one video where guys were specifically discussing addiction to adult sites, I saw one guy commenting something like…
“You guys can reboot all you want, it doesn’t even matter because after 3 wet dreams all of your progress is going to be lost anyway”.
Oh…boy, now as someone who has been involved in the PMO reboot community for 13 years now, I feel it’s my responsibility to call out BS when I see it.
And this, my friends, is one of the biggest pile of BS I have ever seen.
Wet dreams will not hinder recovery from porn induced problems...
It is simply not true. In fact it is so far away from the truth that I don’t think you could be any more ignorant even if you took courses in ignorantness and graduated at the top of your class.
I mean there were guys coming from having had years of massive relapse binges to super stimulating adult sites, sometimes sessions lasting several hours in a row completely frying their dopamine receptors by all that porn.
And then finally starting to overcome that stuff to now, one of them having been clean from the adult sites for several months.
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Some people become dogmatic and develop a phobia of "losing sperm"...
And then there comes some ignorant NoFap fool claiming that all that progress will simply be erased if the guy has a couple wet dreams.
It’s the adult sites that are the big monster here, not the busting in and of itself, but when you add the busting on top of the adult sites you get the perfect storm.
I learned from reading as well as from my own reboot...
You know, back when I was stuck in the addiction myself I also had relapses to adult sites that sometimes lasted for several hours in a row. So not only have I been reading about how super stimulating adult sites affect the brain, but I’ve experienced myself first hand.
To compare being stuck in relapses for several years where you keep fapping your brains out to hour long porn sessions with a couple of wet dreams is so absurd that I don’t even know what to call it.
To me this is almost as absurd as, well just imagine the following…
Just how small of an impact do wet dreams have on your porn addiction recovery?
Say we have a 25 year old male who is addicted to heroin, and he’s in really bad shape and has been using for several years.
Then he gets into a rehab center and for whatever reasons he also decides to stop drinking coffee. After a few months he started doing really well. He’s been off the heroin for 6 months now, BUT THEN one week he slips a bit with the coffee and he has 3 cups of coffee within the span of a week.
And then when one of his less intelligent friends comes to visit that friend says, “Wait, what!?! - you drank 3 cups of coffee in a week? Oh now, how could you? Don’t you realize that means all your progress is now destroyed?”
Now, if course I’m not saying that a porn addiction is as destructive as a heroin addiction, of course not, BUT my point is that if we compare the 3 cups of coffee to the 3 wet dreams the impact on the overall recovery and how well the person is doing is about the same in both cases.
Which is an impact about well maybe 0,001% compared to the original addiction.
Now why didn’t I say a complete 0% here then?
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Some people can notice a slight drop in energy for a day or two...
Well because for some, and not for all, but for SOME guys who are trying to recover from PIED wet dreams may perhaps paus the recovery for about 1 or 2 days, in the BEGINNING of their reboot, but it’s not like it’s setting them back. Only a temporary, short paus of a day or two.
And for the retention guys, if you find that a wet dream is lowering your energy for a while, then don’t worry about that either, because it will come back so incredibly fast within just a couple of days it’ll be back.
So please do not listen to stupid comments like that out there. They simply DO NOT know what they are talking about..
Yeah so if you haven’t already, in order to learn more about how watching a lot of adult entertainment affects the brain, then take a look at my 4 part video series you can see on the screen right here, because over there you’ll discover things that will absolutely blow your mind.
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