Does NoFap And Quitting Porn Really increase Confidence? (Let's See)

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NoFap Confidence, is there such a thing?

What is the connection really?

Does NoFap and quitting porn increase confidence or not?

Well, this is what we are going to take a closer look at in today’s video / blog post. I hope you find it informative, and if you do, consider subscribing for more content. 

Does Quitting Porn REALLY increase confidence?

NoFap and confidence. Does NoFap really increase confidence, and if so, how much?

Well this is going to be interesting and I have some important conclusions  to make in the later part of the video so make sure to stay with me all the way to the end.

What the heck is NoFap?

If someone out there is going, "What the hell is NoFap?"

Well, NoFap is the word for giving up online porn and self stimulation as a means for self improvement. 

And so now that person says, "Ok great, but why the hell would a young man in their right mind ever want to do such a thing then?"

Well, fair question, but calm down here because the fact is that there are actually some really interesting benefits that can be gained by doing this. And one of the benefits is increased confidence. But the results differ from person to person - and I’ll explain why in a moment.

Is confidence the right word for describing what guys who quit porn are experiencing?

First, let me just point out that I don’t think the word confidence is the best word to describe what nofappers experience. Confidence means feeling sure of yourself and your abilities. And the best way to build real confidence is to gradually build up your abilities - and then confidence will come as a by-product of that. 

Now, what many nofappers experience is...

  • Increased energy
  • Higher drive and motivation
  • More aggressiveness
  • In combination with giving less of a fuck what other people think of them

Sure, we can use the word confidence for this, but as you can see it has more depth than that.

Elite fighters have known about this for decades...

By the way, all those traits are something that for example fighters have known for decades. It’s no longer a secret t hat many of the elite boxers abstain a few weeks before an important fight...

...and given those traits I just mentioned, that’s very understandable.

So, let’s take a look at why the “confidence” results on NoFap may differ from person to person.

How confidence increase differs from person to person when quitting porn / doing NoFap

To establish a baseline without any supernormal stimuli, let us imagine a farmer that lived 300 years ago.

Life was rough, but he was a hard working badass. He didn’t have a wife or girlfriend so he used “self-stimulation” let’s say, once every 7 days or so.

So not that much at all.

Ok, so then we have person “B”, the next line here (see video), where we have a modern man who fapps two to three times a week, while using online adult entertainment.

He is not yet addicted to it because he hasn’t developed addiction related brain changes. 

Then we have a line down here”C” and it’s a 22 year old male who is fapping to online adult entertainment almost on a daily basis. He has done it for some time AND he has developed a real addiction to it. 

Now before I continue with person a,b and c,  let’s first take a look at WHY we might experience increased confidence when we quit porn and do NoFap in the first place.

What's behind the increased confidence when doing NoFap?

Studies made on rats show that busting a lot of nuts causes temporary reduced androgen receptors.

Now, the androgen receptors are what “sucks up” testosterone and by having more of those receptors you can better utilize whatever levels of testosterone you happen to have.

As most of us already know, the effects of testosterone are, increased energy, with higher drive and motivation. As well as more aggressiveness in combination with giving less of a fuck what other people think of them...

...does those benefits sound familiar? 

Increased androgen receptors from abstinence (androgen receptors are what testosterone binds to)

Then when looking at person C here then obviously he has downregulated androgen receptors. I must point out that, except on day 7, NoFap does not cause any increase in testosterone levels themselves so that’s actually a myth.

But according to the study I mentioned the androgen receptors will grow back and grow desnser, when we do NoFap, so simply put one could say that way that NoFap makes our bodies more effective whatever testosterone we have.

And thus the effects could be the same as if testosterone itself would be higher. 

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What's behind the increased confidence when quitting porn?

However, there is more going on, because when a person is using a lot of supernormal stimuli, like online adult entertainment, he will also knock out some of his dopamine receptors.

Especially if he is addicted to it. Then the receptors will really suffer. And just like the androgen receptors, the dopamine receptors are what makes you feel whatever dopamine you are producing (meaning the receptors are what the chemical / hormon is binding to).

So both person B and person C are going to have a bit fewer dopamine receptors as well, especially person C. 

What about semen retention in and of itself?

Now, there could be more interesting biological things going on with NoFap, that we do not yet know anything about, but these two are big ones for sure.

Perhaps semen retention, and the body recycling it, also increases energy and confidence in and of itself, even though we do not yet know the science behind it...

...but let’s keep an open mind to it…

...ok so now, look at the screen again. Let’s draw a fourth line where the optimal benefits show themselves. 

Look at how different the benefits must feel for person A, B and c as person C will experience a HUGE lift in his life compared to person A.

The so-called NoFap superpowers may just depend on from what position you are starting...

And then Person B is somewhere in between. All of them gained increased confidence, but the change in person C must have felt like he gained some kind of superpowers, as he was so far down to begin with.

We should also keep in mind that in real life there are people all over the place, in between all those lines, and this is of course one reason for why so many people experience the benefits differently. 

If you're addicted to porn, you can expect to see bigger benefits - but it may also take longer...

Now, I have to point out that for those who are addicted, like person C, it will also take much longer before you start seeing any benefits, as it takes time for the brain to rebalance. 

And so now, some of you may go, “This is just some stupid BS, I’m going to continue to fap!”

Well, go right ahead.

There is no law saying you have to be on NoFap in order to become confident and successful. People who are doing NoFap should respect the fact that not everyone likes to be on this NoFap journey - and likewise, people who are not doing NoFap should respect the ones who do. 

Quitting porn or using NoFap as a means to try to improve oneself is not stupid. In fact, it’s a wise thing to do. I mean of course we want those benefits right?

Porn addiction will hold you back in life...

Now, I do believe that if you are really addicted to fapping and online adult entertainment then it will hold you back in life. For example the downregulated dopamine receptors are just one thing that makes living more difficult. 

However, if someone is happily fapping in moderation, without seeing any negative side effects, and they do NOT want to be on this NoFap journey, then no problem.

Again, we have to be respectful to each other out here and be careful not to get into “extreme thinking”.

Alright that’s it for today. Thanks for reading!

-Scandinavian Bob

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