Does The End Of The Porn Flatline Mean I'm Fully Recovered?

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Are you doing a pmo reboot right now?

And now you are wondering if recovery is complete once flatline ends?

So what's the deal, are you fully healed when the flatline is over?

Well, this is exactly what we're talking about today...

Does The End Of The Porn Flatline Mean I'm Fully Recovered?

Scandinavian Bob here, hi.

So I recently got the following question in my email…

“When the flatline ends, is that the same as me being fully recovered?”

This is a really good question because there is a lot of confusion going on around this one and many guys are not sure what to think of this. 

Flatline ending does not have to mean you're bak to normal yet...

So here’s the short answer: No, the ending of a flatline is not necessarily the same as full recovery.

And by the way, when I use the word recovery I simply mean complete and full recovery of whatever negative effects porn has given you.

The flatline is essentially a phase of withdrawal, or a specific part of withdrawal, characterized by a complete lack of libido.

And just like with other addictions, when withdrawals come to and end it doesn't necessarily mean all the parts of you are “recovered”.

The flatline ending is a very good sign that porn induced sexual problems are about to reverse...

However, that said, if you are only talking about libido or PIED here, then when the flatline has come to an end, you are definitely a few steps closer to being recovered now.

And some guys can actually start to be able to perform right around then as well. But not everyone, a lot of guys will still have to wait a few more weeks after that, so we can definitely not say that the end of the flatline = full recovery.

But it is a very, very good sign that your recovery has jumped a few steps forward, definitely.

Discover how long it takes to reverse porn's negative effects FOR YOU. Use the FREE PMO recovery estimator below to find out..

It's possible to have several flatlines during a porn reboot...

And by the way, did you know that many guys can actually have several flatlines during a reboot. Yes, that’s true and in the end of this video I will link to another video where I talk about exactly why that is. 

And another fun fact about the flatline is that guys who see it as a part of the recovery process actually tend to do better on their reboot compared to the guys who freak out  about it because they feel so broken. 

So that’s valuable information for you guys right there. If you happen to descend into a flatline, just look at it as it being your sexuality taking a much needed vacation. And when it comes back from the trip it will be healthy and well rested again. 

Just look at the flatline being a part of the process...

So just know that it's part of the process and a good sign that healing is taking place under the surface and that should help you trust the process. 

Alright so I hope that answered your question.

And I have two other videos highly related to this one that I think you guys should see….

The first one here will show you the most significant factors are that determine how long your total recovery will be, and then, based on that, you can estimate your recovery length more accurately.

 Factors that play a part in how long your porn / pmo recovery will take...

The recovery time estimator I mention in the end of the video can be found right here...

And the second video below you can discover more about the mysterious flatline, learn what it is and why some people seem to fall back into it several times during a reboot.

Mystery solved with the porn rebooting flatline...

I hope you found today's content helpful.

As always, if you need to reach out to me you can find me through my coaching page right here.


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