How Do I Know I'm Recovered From Porn Addiction? (And Rebooting)

no pmo nofap pmo reboot porn-addiction

Wondering how to know if you're fully recovered from porn addiction?

Of how to know if you're recovered from your porn / pmo reboot?

Well today's video is about porn addiction and pmo reboot recovery signs, so you might want to stick to the end here. 

How Do I Know I'm Recovered From Porn Addiction? (And Rebooting)

Scandinavia Bob here, hi!

Sometimes in the comments section, I see guys asking something like, "How do I know when I'm recovered?"

Well, my first counter question is then often, "Recovered from what?" 

You see, there are many negative consequences that people can run into when fapping to porn.

Negative Consequences of Porn Use

It can cause sexual problems like low libido, morphing sexual taste, or delayed ejaculation, or even porn-induced ED. It can also cause depression, low motivation, social anxiety, poor concentration, and self-esteem issues.

It can mess with your whole dopamine system. But let's start with the sexual problems, and then after that, we'll zoom in on your dopamine and other things.

Signs of Sexual Recovery: physical response in body

If you've stopped using porn a while back and you start noticing the following things, you can be pretty sure your sexuality has reversed back to a more normal and healthy state.

You start noticing more frequent morning wood. You feel some kind of response in your body when you are in close proximity to someone that you find nice.

Restoring Sensitivity and Pleasure

Your penis starts feeling fuller and the sensitivity is back again, pretty much the opposite to when you are in a flatline and it can feel cold and lifeless down there.

You no longer need that much stimulation in general to get you fired up. Real sex feels great, and you no longer have any problems with achieving, maintaining, and getting your boner to lock in during lovemaking.

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Positive Signs of Dopamine Recovery: Less Need For instant Pleasures

Well here are some good signs that NoFap is starting to fix your dopamine system. You feel less need for running after instant gratification stuff. You feel more motivated to work on things that take a bit of effort. 

Some people suddenly start noticing how music has started sounding better. Your baseline level of happiness is higher. Your mood is more stable.

Book Recommendation: How to Thrive in the 21st Century

Speaking of NoFap and improving your life, there is a really good book that I would like to make you all aware of. It's called "How to Thrive in the 21st Century by Avoiding Porn and Other Distractions," written by Howard Miller. 

This book gives you the science behind how the brain and addiction to adult sites work, and then later on, it shows you how to take this knowledge and apply it to your life in a way that will not only help you quit using porn but also how to start leveling up in every area of your life.

Thanks for reading!

-Scandinavian Bob

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