How Does NoFap Attraction Happen? (Code Cracked!)

general self-improvement nofap nofap benefits pmo addiction semen retention

Are you doing NoFap?

Have you heard about the so-called "NoFap attraction phenomenon?"

Are you curious on just exactly HOW NoFap attraction happens?

Well, if so, you might want to stay a while, because this is going to be interesting...

How Does NoFap Attraction Happen? 

NoFap attraction...

Listen up here guys, I just have to share a paragraph from a success story I was reading yesterday, that resonated with me on such a deep level and I just instantly knew when I was reading it that this is it. 

This just has to be one of the bigger factors behind NoFap attraction there is. Because, again, I have said that I believe there are many causes behind NoFap attraction, not just one, and I still believe that, but I just know that what I’m about to tell you not just can play a part, but does 100% play a part in it for many, many guys out there. 

A clue on why NoFap attraction happens...

Here is the paragraph...

I’ve noticed a lot of eye contact and I can now maintain it. I’ve always been more in-tune to eye contact because I’m more observant, but if I would look back there would be no emotion to it, just numbness. Now I feel proud and noble when I hold eye contact.”  Link to original article

Ok, so I can leave a link to his full story under the video, BUT it is this part here that resonates with me: “Now I feel proud and noble when I hold eye contact”. ..

...because listen up here...

Even for those of you who were fully capable of holding eye contact before you started NoFap, which I was fully capable of myself by the way, but it not just the part about being to hold it, it actually makes a huge difference how you feel about yourself while you are holding eye contact. 

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It's how you feel about yourself WHILE you're holding eye contact...

If you have the slightest insecurity or negative thought or the slightest amount of shame flashing through you head while you are talking to someone and you’re holding eye contact, even if they don’t know on a logical level, they something within them will pick up on it...

... you know, there will be some kind of twitching of or flickering of the eyes that their subconscious brain pick up on.

And this is even if you CAN keep eye contact, let alone if you can’t keep it at all, then it’s of course even more evident. 

Do you like yourself and do you feel proud about yourself during that moment, when eyes meet?

But THEN, it works the other way around as well, when he says, “Now I feel proud and noble when I hold eye contact”, he is feeling proud and good about himself, while he is holding that steady eye contact.

And one of the most cliché sayings, that actually is a good saying because it’s true is that “Your eyes are the windows to your soul.”

Your eyes are the windows to your soul...

And I really mean this, even if people can’t read you on a logical level, we feel it when someone else is feeling good in their skin while they are talking to us.

And I know this from myself as well. I have always gotten the best interactions with women if I have talked to them right after I have had a super good trumpet gig or if I have done something that I’m feeling proud of. 

Or get this, when I’m riding high on a really good NoFap streak.

On a long NoFap streak you can get this "glow" about you...

You have this glow around you, radiating some kind of positive energy all in combination with you feeling proud of yourself. 

So of course NoFap works.

Of course it does!

NoFap attraction IS really a thing...

As you go about your day today I want you to think of this; how do you feel about yourself when your gaze meets someone else's?

Especially if your eyes are locked with them?

And this happens even if you’re not talking to them, by the way, even though it’s much more noticeable if you're in a conversation of course.

NoFap attraction can happen during eye contact even if no words are spoken...

And then once you’re having urges  you could ask yourself...

“How proud of myself will I feel the next time I’m trying to have eye contact with someone if I spent the following 4 hours fapping to all kinds of weird and degenerate porn?”. 

Ok, so if you like these kinds of short motivational and insightful videos  consider subscribing for that. 

And also, if you haven’t already, make sure to download my free 90 day No PMO advice and tool guide by using the link below...

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There is more going on behind the NoFap attraction phenomenon...

And as I said, there is definitely more than this going on with the attraction phenomenon than this...

And if you like to hear me speculate more about what that could be then you can watch a two part series I made about that a while ago that you can find right here: Does NoFap / semen retention really attraction women?

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