How Long Does it Take The Brain To Recover After Porn Addiction?

pied recovery pmo reboot porn-addiction quitting porn

The PMO Recovery Time Estimator I mention in the end of the video can be found right here

Have you decided to stop watching porn?

And you just recently started a so-called PMO reboot?

And now you're wondering hoe long it will take for your brain to recover after quitting porn?

Well, if so, you found the right article.

Let's begin...

How Long Does it Take The Brain To Recover After Porn Addiction?

Scandinavian Bob here, hi.

So how long does it take my brain to heal after porn addiction.

Well, this is one of the top 3 most common questions I get and today I will show you a way to get a specific answer to that.

I will tell you in just a second, but before I do I want to show you what factors play the biggest part in how long a porn reboot is going to take.

And these are things that were first discovered by the great Gary Wilson, the founder of the site Your Brain On Porn.

Now, I have been involved in the porn addiction community for almost 13 years myself and after all the thousands of rebooting accounts I read and after everything I’ve seen I have to say I’m in full agreement with Gary Wilson on these specific factors. 

Starting age is an important factor...

The first factor is how old you were when you started using online porn. 

Because The brain is most flexible, or “plastic,” early in life which also means that the younger a person starts the deeper ingrained the porn wiring will be, in general.

And by the way, everything is in general here, because there will always be outliers and exceptions to this, so keep that in mind as we’re going forward here. 

Try The FREE PMO Recovery Time Estimator >>by clicking here<<

Real life sexual expereince before starting on online porn is another factor...

Another factor is, if the person had some real life sexual experience, or even just kissing and fooling around before he or she started using online porn.

Because if  the person did, he will have formed stronger wiring to real life people to compete against the wiring to pixels on a screen.

Now, today most people are unfortunately starting out so young with the online thing that they do not have real life experience, before they do.

This was more common with us older guys like myself, because  I got my first girlfriend around the same time the internet started rolling out.

Your brain has a natural wiring to begin with...

Now, keep in mind that every brain has a natural wiring to real life people to begin with, regardless of having been sexually active or not, so that’s a good thing, but it’s just that it gets stronger if they had real life experience as well before they started using online porn.

How often you were watching porn plays a role...

And another factor that is going to play a role in how a porn reboot takes is of course how often the person were using porn.

As in how many days of the week. 

And of course, how long the sessions were.. 

And if the person did a lot of clicking from scene to scene or if the person just fappened and got his session quickly over with is also going to play a role.

And if the person was edging is definitely also going to play a role... 

And, of course, if the person has escalated and started watching more and more extreme stuff.

Because that tells us that what was once enough for them to get aroused by is no longer doing it for them so obviously some brain changes have occurred.

Now, obviously there are a lot more factors than these that will dictate how long it takes for you to recover, for example, your previous reboot streaks, if you were doing pretty well with a few streaks, well it all adds up, and what kind lifestyle you are living right NOW also matters.

Lifestyle and previous streaks...

The healthier the better and I’m going to talk more about this and what you can do in another video, but assuming we wanted to establish some form of baseline in recovery length, then the factors you see on the screen are the ones that we would have to go with.

I have created a PMO recovery time Estimator that will simply ask you 7 questions and then give you an estimation on your specific recovery length based on these factors we’ve talked about today.

Try The FREE PMO Recovery Time Estimator >>by clicking here<<

The PMO recovery time estimator is 100% free for you to use and if this is something you’d be interested in trying out, you can find it by clicking on the screen right here or by using the link under the video.

And oh hey guys, speaking of recovery, click on the video right here if you want to discover some good signs that healing is taking place. 

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