How Long Does The Flatline Last on NoFap? (The Surprising Truth)
So how long does the NoFap flatline last?
This is one of the most frequently asked questions I get and in this video we are going to take a look at that and in the later part of the video I am going to share something interesting with you so make sure to watch the whole video.
Ok guys let’s get one thing out of the way right from the start. This is one of the hardest questions to answer.
Well because there are hundreds of factors involved. Maybe thousands.
I could make it easy for me and just say something, oh the flatline lasts about 4 weeks, but that would be such a pile know what. Because, again, it's just not that easy.
Different categories....
Group A1
To make it easier to understand we have to divide nofappers into a few different groups here.
Group A1 are older guys who did not have high speed internet when they became interested in the opposite sex.
These are guys who are born around 1979 or earlier.
Some of these guys did also experience being intimate with a real life partner BEFORE they started using online high speed adult entertainment.
Group B1
Then we have group B1 and these are young guys who started fapping to online adult entertainment at a very early age, some of them long before they even got their first kiss from a real girl.
These guys are in a worse situation than group b because they are at the peak of brain plasticity when they are getting exposed to highly stimulating entertainment. So they get deeper brain changes from the porn.
Group A1, on the other hand, was able to develop normal pathways in their brains to real life girls, before they started using high speed porn because there was no high speed internet when they were growing up.
Guys back then were seeking adult magazines and things like that, and everyone knows that that is nowhere NEAR as powerful as today’s high speed tube sites.
Ok so we now have these two groups and obviously the average flatline in group a is going to be different from group B.
However, there are so many variables so we have to make two more groups. Let’s call them A2…and B2…
You see addiction is not really an on off thing, some people can only have a mild addiction while another can have a really severe addiction.
Group A2
So the A2 group, well we still have our older guys here again, you know guys like yours truly Scandinavian Bob.
Yep, so now you know I’m probably older than most of you and in this A2 group the guys only have a moderate or Mild addiction.
Group B2
And of course now you can figure out what the B2 group will be like, yes in here we have our young guys again only mildly addicted but they started out early.
Ok great so now we have four groups here the A1 and B1 groups have severe addiction. and A2 and B2 only a mild addiction.
Ok now we can start to give at least a bit more exact answers.
Remember now, the numbers I’m about to share are still averages from within those groups. There are ALWAYS exceptions so don’t freak out if you feel something is wrong.
How long does the NoFap flatline last? Answer for group A2
Let’s start with A2, the older guys who were lucky enough to not develop a severe addiction. Well, their average flatline is about 2-6 weeks.
How about the next group?
How long does the NoFap flatline last? Answer for group A1
Then let’s look at A1, the older guys with a severe addiction.
Their average flatline is usually around 4-8 weeks.
So what about the B groups?
How long does the NoFap flatline last? Answer for group B1
Moving on to our young fellows over here in B1. They are only mildly addicted, but they started out early so the average here is somewhere around 4-10 weeks.
So, if you are on the older side, for once here it actually turns out to be an advantage.
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How long does the NoFap flatline last? Answer for group B2
Moving on the B2 which is going to be the most brutal group.
The young guys who started early AND developed a severe addiction. And it is in this group we also see the most variation in length. So much so that it is even difficult to calculate an average but it would look something like this 8-18 weeks.
Flatline length does not equal recovery length
Now remember, those numbers were about the flatline and that is not necessarily the same as recovery. Not everyone is fully recovered when they get out of the flatline.
However, we need to point out that there are always exceptions to that.
I have seen people from group B2 recover and get out of flatline after only 20 days something. And then again I have seen people from B2 taking over a year to fully recover.
So again, no one can say exactly how long it will take for YOU. so remember that these numbers may not apply to you
Now here comes THE most important part of it all...
In whatever group you belong, you should not put all your happiness eggs in your NoFap basket, but try to see the whole process as a self development period where you try to improve many areas of your life and grow to become a stronger and better person.
By doing it like that, then even if it were to take you a full year, you don’t freak out, but you actually enjoy the process of growing and becoming a better man.
Week by week by week...
Progress = happiness
And even though you may bee in a deep flatline you actually enjoy the journey because, did you know that one of the most most powerful sources of happiness is the feeling that you keep progressing.
So again, look at your whole nofap journey as a long road you are walking...a road to a stronger self. And don’t look back...just keep going forward, step by step.
A couple of days ago I wrote a long blog post with more info about the flatline so if you want more details you can check that out as well and in the second half of that blog post I also share some helpful tips that can potentially help you get out of the flatline much faster.
You can find a link to that blog post right here. Just click that link and you will discover what they are.
Related posts:
- NoFap flatline, what is it and how to beat it?
- Why does the flatline happen after quitting porn?
- How long does it take the brain to recover after porn addiction?
- NoFap how to know you're in a flatline?
- NoFap After Flatline Life
- Can you have a second or several flatlines when quitting porn?
- Porn addiction timeline
- Flatline after quitting porn, can you even be happy then?
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