How To Build Up Longer Streaks On NoFap / No PMO

no pmo nofap quitting porn

Wondering how to be able to get to longer streaks on NoFap?

How do we build up longer NoFap streaks?

Well today's content is going to be about building longer streaks when rebooting or doing NoFap, so you might want to stay with me until the end here...

How To Build Up Longer Streaks On NoFap / No PMO

Listen up here, guys....

Fill the void!

Let's say a person has spent 10 hours a week on watching porn. Well, that means that after quitting, he will now have a lot of extra time on his hands.

And here's the deal...

Guys who tend to do the best are guys who fill those 10 hours with something they do away from the computer or their phone.

Guys who are able to build longer NoFap streaks fill their 'porn time' with productive things...

Maybe they take up basketball, start reading books, learn to play a musical instrument, do some sports, start exercising more, go to evening classes, go to the gym, or they go out and start interacting with real-life people, and on and on.

Because by doing that, you are starting to build new pathways in your brain, and you grow as a person. 

You have to find new sources to get dopamine from...

Your brain starts discovering new things to get its dopamine from, and this is so healthy to do when you are trying to quit porn. It really makes rebooting much, much easier.

In fact, for most guys, it's necessary.

Please don't just brush this off, but actually implement it.

Because, well, just think about it....

Don't expect aimless browsing be something that'll get you far on your NoFap journey...

If you contrast this with a guy who doesn't leave the computer at all and he tries to fill the void by aimless browsing on social media, I don't even think I need to go further.

I mean, you all know who's gonna do better out of these two. 

In the long run, this guy literally has, I don't know, tens of thousands of more opportunities to get triggered and relapse. Probably even more. 

It may certainly be enough to make all the difference in the world.

It's not just about relapsing, it's also about building yourself a better life...

And again, it's not even just about relapsing here. It is just as much about building yourself a better life because, well, you have all heard the phrase, "abstinence is not the same as recovery." 

Now, the problem with this is that changing your life like this is going to feel very boring at first because, well, you're used to all that super stimuli, and now you have to read books or do something else away from your beloved screen.

Well, here's the deal...

It'll only take a couple of weeks of effort, and then you'll actually start enjoying it? 

For some, it just takes a few days.

You will start liking it after a while...

You'll actually start liking it because of two reasons.

One, your reward system will adjust to the lesser stimuli, while you start liking it, and now it's more sensitive to dopamine again, which is good. 

This gives you more motivation and drive. But even better, you'll actually start enjoying those small things in life again, as you don't need all those super stimulating things to feel feelings of things being fun and pleasurable.

Two, you know that you are the ultimate joy now, doing healthy and good things that make you grow as a person. 

And just by knowing that, well, that alone can start to give you a sense of joy and happiness. Because, as James Clear puts it, the ultimate joy is the reinforcement of your desired identity.

It's 100% true. 

You will start to feel proud of yourself and feel that you are now finally doing something good that will bring you further and further away from your addiction and towards your goals.

Act out your self-improvement lifestyle..

So, you need to clean up your life and fill that void with healthy productive activity. Simply put, just start acting out the self-improvement lifestyle.

Don't just watch videos about it. 

This is just one thing I talk about in my free quitting porn guide that you can get down below...

Feeling stuck? You can transform your life in 13 weeks OR LESS by Downloading my FREE guide below...


It's a short and easy-to-read guide that will instantly help your rebooting. So, if you haven't downloaded it yet, just click the link right now, put your email address in the box, and I'll send it to you 100% free. 

Anyway, guys, life is an adventure. We have so much more exciting things to discover. And just as long as we keep moving forward, there are good things to come for sure. So, remember, if you happen to go through hell right now, just keep going.

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