How To Know if You Have Porn induced ED? (PIED Test Here)

pmo addiction porn induced ed porn-addiction the negative effects of porn

Note: you can find a link to the article I mention in the end of the video further down in the article.

Wondering how to know if you have porn induced ED?

I mean, if you're having a bit of struggle maintaining or achieving an erection, how do you know if porn has caused it or if it's something else?

Well, today I'm going to talk about how to know if your ED if caused by porn, so stay with me here. 

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How To Know if You Have Porn induced ED? 

Scandinavian Bob here, hi!

If you’ve had a few bad performances in the bedroom it’s only natural to start wondering what could be behind it. 

Many guys start wondering, is it performance anxiety or something else or could it perhaps be porn induced ED... how do i know?

Well, if this is you then make sure to stay with me to the end of the video because I’m going to give you a few things to consider.


This video is information only and it’s not medical advice. If you need medical advice please see a professional. I will simply share my own experience, information about what I’ve been reading,  and a few logical ways to look at the situation, but again my video is not medical advice.

How to know if porn has caused your erectile dysfunction...

Alright so check this out…

  • This image here represents you being intimate with a real life partner
  • And this image here represents porn free masturbation that you do, for example in the bathroom
  • And this image here represent you masturbating to porn
  • And here we will look at some potentially plausible conclusions

Ok, so let’s say you have been failing to get hard with a real life person here *see video*.

Then test your erection quality by masturbating to your favorite porn. Now, I don’t want anyone who is trying to do a porn reboot to relapse here, so instead of  testing that you can also just recall the last relapse or the last time you masturbated to porn. 

If you can get a solid erection with porn...

Ok, so let’s say you are able to get a solid erection when fapping to porn.

Then what you want to do is to try porn free masturbation. Go to the bathroom, relax as much as you can  and try porn free masturbation to sensation only. Don’t fantasize about porn. In fact, try to not use your imagination at all. Sensation only.

Ok, so let’s say you fail to get hard in this scenario.

But not with porn free masturbation...

Well, this is starting to look a bit like PIED (potential pied).

Because it looks like you need the porn in order to get hard.

Most men who are not that old should not have any problems achieving an erection with masturbation only, if they are otherwise healthy. 

However, there are exceptions to this and I'll talk more about those in just a moment so stay with me here.

If you CAN get hard with porn free masturbation...

Now, what about if you fail the first one, but you can get hard with porn, you try the bathroom and you find that you can also get hard with porn free masturbation.

Ok, so this is a very good sign.

At the very least you are not dependent on the porn in order to get hard - so now your failed attempt in the bedroom is starting to look a bit more like performance anxiety in the bedroom (performance anxiety).

Now, what if you can’t get hard in any of these three cases?

If you can't get an erection in any situation...

Well, then it looks more like an organic problem.

Like for example...

  • Clogged arteries
  • Severe depression
  • Some other health problems e.g. hormonal or other
  • OR then it could also be severe PIED 

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Severe porn induced ED (PIED)...

Yes, you see some guys develop such a degree of desensitization that not even porn can turn them on any longer. 

Now, with this one here you should definitely see a doctor to see if you can rule out any serious health conditions. 

Now, here’s where many naysayers who don’t believe there is a thing as porn addiction go wrong.

How some people get it wrong about porn addiction and PIED...

When studies show that there has been an enormous rise in ED in young men the last 15 years or so, they go…"Yeah yeah, but that’s just because today's young are not moving, they are just playing video games, have low testosterone and are smoking too much."

Yes of course that may be the cause in some cases as well, but here’s the thing...

First, it takes years of smoking until for example clogged arteries start to manifest.

And, if for example clogged arteries were the main cause of that extreme rise in youthful ED, then most of those young men would not be able to still get an erection to porn.


Well just think  about it...

An organic issue doesn't just magically disappear when you fire up a porn site...

Clogged arteries don't just magically disappear when you fire up a porn site - and the same goes with most other health issues. 

And in most cases of ED this is exactly what today’s young men are experiencing. I.e. that they can only achieve an erection when using porn.

They are dependent on it in order to get hard. 

They are dependent on porn to achieve an erection!

The PIED test is not perfect...

However, listen carefully now because while this test may give you at least some things to consider, it is still far from perfect.

Let’s say for example that you  run to the bathroom in order to perform the test, but while you’re there you are freaking out like crazy.

You’re so anxious about the results that you’re having an anxiety attack.

If you freak out during the PIED test...

Well, then obviously that might prevent you from achieving an erection right there because, well, anxiety is anxiety so the effect could be just like the performance anxiety in the bedroom scenario.

The solution here is to try it again, maybe on a few other days, when you’re more relaxed. 

Another scenario might be if you are severely depressed.

If you have depression or very low dopamine levels...

Well, if so your dopamine levels are most likely going to be low and since dopamine is one of the key drivers behind powering erections, then perhaps when trying the porn free masturbation, you just just don’t really reach the level of dopamine you need in order to get hard.

But since porn is very stimulating, then when you try testing with that, you just barely reach the level needed to get hard, and achieve an erection.

So, again ,as you can see, the test is not 100% reliable. And this is why it’s always a good idea to see a doctor to rule out any potential health issues. Mentally, physically or hormonally.

If you can get an erection with porn free masturbation, is that a sure sign that you are cured from PIED?

Now, what about is you easily get hard with porn free masturbation?

Is that that you do not have PIED or that you have fully recovered?

Well, unfortunately not.

While this is a super good sign, some guys might still have a bit of lingering PIED here.

And so now you say, "But how can that be because they get hard without porn?"

Well, you see, your brain has been conditioned to respond to this equation for so long it may still be that just using your hand may perhaps still fire up some of the old porn pathways a bit. 

You know, just like Pavlov's dog was conditioned to salivate when he heard the bell ringing, you too have conditioned your sexual response. 

It's a very good sign...

But again, being able to easily get a solid erection there in the bathroom is indeed a very good sign, and if you find that you still have some mild pied after that, then don’t worry, then it’s just a matter of a tiny bit more rebooting, with rewiring to a real life person and you’ll be 100% good to go.

Yeah so, if you’re not there already, it’s just a matter of a bit more rebooting. But you might already be good to go. 

You see, here's the last thing about this, it’s indeed very likely with a combination of performance anxiety and mild pied as well.

A combination of performance anxiety and mild PIED...

I mean it's very understandable that after guys have had a few failures in the bedroom, well then naturally many of them could get a bit anxious about failing again in the future. 

So, ultimately, the absolute 100% dead giveaway PIED test, if you are fully rebooted and free from pied, will be when you have successful intercourse with a real life person.

But still, the PIED test I shared today should at least be able to give you a bit more clarity - and I really hope it was helpful.

Alright, and I think most of you already know how to fix PIED should you be suffering with that, but if you need some step by step advice, where I share my experience, then you can find a link to a blog post I’ve made on exactly how to do it the fastest most effective way. 

Here it is: How to cure PIED fast

Thanks for reading.

-Scandinavian Bob

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