How To Know If You Have a Real PMO Addiction (Are You Truly Addicted?)
How do you know if you're addicted to pmo?
I mean how do you know if you have a real pmo addiction and it's not just the case that you just love pmo'ing really much?
Maybe you are just enjoying it really, really much?
Well, this is what we are going to talk about today.
How to know if you're addicted to pmo...
Scandinavian Bob here
Just a really short video today as I get so many people asking me, how do I know if I’m addicted to pmo? so I thought I might as well make a separate video to answer this.
A helpful tool to help separate addiction from other behavior problems is what some experts call the four C’s and it consists of four questions.
The number of hours a week is a poor indicator...
Before I share them I just want to say that many guys are asking...
“how many hours a week do I have to use online porn in order for it to be called a pmo addiction?
...well, although that is a good questions, there are no answers to it because it is not the amount in and of itself that indicates an addiction of pmo addiction.
Sure, if a person is addicted for the most part that automatically also means increased use, but not always.
So we really need to look at those questions instead, and they can be used for all kinds of addictions, by the way, and not only nasty websites.
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The four C’s - 4 Questions to ask yourself to assess a PMO addiction...
And here they are…
- Compulsion?
- Craving?
- Consequences?
- Control?
Compulsion, simply means that you have a very strong urge to fuel your addiction. The behavior may start impulsively, but as the addiction grows, it becomes a compulsive habit.
Cravings, I think most of you understand this one. The cravings to act out the addiction can become as strong and demanding as hunger pain and it can actually feel like it is vital for survival. The urges often manifest themselves as restlessness and even insomnia, but other symptoms are of course also very common.
Consequences, this one is perhaps the biggest of them all so listen up now. This means continued use despite negative consequences. In other words, you clearly notice negative effects and you want to give it up, but you still keep acting out.
Control, means that the individual has lost their control of how much or when to use. Oftentimes, in the early stages of addiction, a person will try to cut down or eliminate the behavior, but this is almost impossible when the level of an addiction is reached.
It could for example be that you have promised yourself to only use once every second week...or you set some other limitations for yourself...
...or you want to give it up completely and you really want to follow your own rules, but you keep breaking your own rules again and again and again.
How reliable are the four C's when it comes to PMO addiction?
Now, you should know that the four C’s are not a 100% absolute dead giveaway of an addiction, but it is pretty reliable.
And in my opinion, it is number three in combination with number four that is the biggest indicator.
If you keep doing something despite the fact that it’s hurting you, and perhaps even hurting people around you, and you really really want to stop, but you keep doing it, well, that’s a pretty good indicator of an addiction.
Alright I just wanted to share this. Keep going everyone and stay strong.
Thanks for reading!
-Scandinavian Bob
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