How To Stop Watching Porn When Feeling Lonely (You Need To See This)

no pmo nofap pmo addiction porn relapse porn-addiction quitting porn

Note: Follow along in the text below to find links to things I mention in the video...

Are you wondering how you can stop watching porn when you're feeling lonely?

It's a good question, because loneliness is actually one of the biggest porn relapse triggers out there. 

So, how do you stop relapsing to porn when feeling lonely?

Well, let's jump in and take a look.

How To Stop Watching Porn When Feeling Lonely

If you want to be able to build up really long streaks on your NoFap journey there are many pitfalls you can fall into.

And today we’re going to talk about a few that most NoFap YouTubers almost never talk about.

Stay with me here...

#1 Not reminding yourself of your 'WHY' is a problem...

The first one sounds a bit strange, but it’s absolutely true.

Now, most guys know that whenever we set out to do something, that is pretty difficult in life, we need to have a strong ‘why’.

In other words, we need to know exactly why we are doing it.

And a lot of guys do indeed know why they are doing NoFap or rebooting however, what fails to happen is that they do not remind themselves of it on a regular basis.

In the beginning of your reboot you need to be reminding yourself of exactly why you are doing NoFap and why it’s important to you.

When cravings hit, it's easy to forget why you want to stop watching porn...

This is because when the urges come, and they will come, it is so easy to forget your why.

This is what often happens...

In the heat of the moment it’s difficult: You get hit by a craving and you start to snoop around on some borderline forbidden territory online. And, man, those cravings are strong and make you act almost automatically.

But since you do want to take rebooting seriously you have a vague voice telling you “I shouldn’t really be doing this”....

Unfortunately that is as far as your logical thinking goes, you break and relapse.

What needs to be in place is this…

I shouldn't really be doing this BECAUSE and here you insert your “why”.

And that ”why” needs to be even stronger and louder than this logical thought here. 

And this is almost never happen if you don’t make a habit out of regularly reminding yourself of your why. You can not overdo it in the beginning of your reboot.

Every single day you need to remind yourself of your why.

Check this out...

Before I continue I’d like to take a few seconds to let you know that this video is brought to you by Dopamine Discipline, a phenomenal online course for overcoming addiction to adult sites using a revolutionary HCT method.

In fact, that course produces such great results that I feel honored that I get to promote it on my channel.

Created by a licensed therapist...

It’s created by a licensed therapist who has now helped thousands of people overcome their PMO addiction, and listen to this, he actually has personal experiences in having to overcome his own addiction as well.

So please understand that this course is the real deal and that it is very effective.

So If you have been struggling for some time and you’re sick and tired of feeling bad after those nasty relapses then right now’s your chance to finally do something about it. 

Note: you can find the link the the webinar in my article where I made a full review about the quitting porn course. Here: Dopamine Discipline Review (please go read it after you're done with this blog post).

Alright so let’s continue with the video

#2 Envy + wrong focus need's to be fixed if you want to stop watching porn when you're feeling lonely...

The second mistake happens when guys go, for example, out on the town. And they see some hot girls that they would like to talk to, but they have anxiety and are too scared to do so. 

So, they feel their mood drop a bit because, well, they are not happy with their situation. And then they perhaps start looking at other men who are out walking with their girlfriends.

Ad now that low mood even turns into resentment, with thoughts like, "Life is unfair, I will never get a girlfriend myself."

And now they see all those hot girls walking around and suddenly all those nice round asses that they look at become almost insulting to them, like the voice of fate were shouting, "lalalala, you can never have this!"

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Then when they get home, where do they have their focus then?

Well that’s right, their belief that they can’t get a girlfriend and that life is unfair.

And as you know disappointment is one of the biggest emotional triggers. Especially now when all those taunting round asses are fresh in memory.

Obviously the porn addiction is then going to start whispering, "Hey, I got just what you need. All the hot babes you ever dreamed of, just five seconds away"

And sure, there it is, the inevitable relapse!

Shift your focus away from disappointment towards a plan for getting what you want...

Now, what needs to happen here is that the guys need to shift their focus from envy and disappointment towards working on a plan to get a girlfriend. 

That plan is a long term plan and not something you necessarily succeed with that same day, but there are literally hundreds of really small steps you can take to bring you closer to a potential girlfriend.

Like for example...

  • Getting some new clothes
  • Signing up for dance classes
  • A yoga class
  • A cooking class
  • Or any class where people talk to each other. 

Start practicing social skills!

Put yourself out there more!

Write a good text for a dating site!

No matter how small those steps are, even if it’s just doing 2 push-ups to get a better body, it is 500x better than having your focus here *see video*.

Desire can be suffering...

Because, as the wise men always have said, desire is suffering. And this is especially true if you combine it with hopelessness, thinking it’s something you can never get. 

And even if it would take you 15 years, and it probably won’t, but let's just say for the sake of argument that it did, it is STILL much better to aim your focus on this circle instead of the left one *see video*

Because here you are actually doing something about it and boy does that affecta your self-esteem in a totally different way.

Alright, this is Scandinavian Bob signing out for today.

Thanks for reading.

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