I'm Too Depressed To Quit Porn (Your Solution)

pmo addiction porn-addiction quitting porn

Do you want to quit porn?

But you are having a hard time because of depression?

Or just low mood in general?

And the low state makes your need for escape too strong?

Well, if so, today's content is just what you need.

I'm Too Depressed To Quit Porn 

Scandinavian Bob here, hi.

Depression can make you relapse. 

And relapses can in turn make you depressed. 

Not just depression, but low mood in general can work the same.

So, as you clearly can see then, this can become a pretty nasty negative cycle that people can get stuck in.

Stuck in a negative spiral when wanting to quit using porn...

In order to break this cycle we first need to understand that relapses caused by low mood happen because we want a temporary escape.

We feel a desperate need for some kind of state change.

So the solution then is to find an alternative way of instantly changing your state, something that is healthier than fapping your brains out to porn, which only makes your low mood even worse in the long run.

Finding an alternative solution...

Of course we should also work on the depression itself, but as everyone of you understands,  working on mental issues can take a bit of time before you start seeing results, so in the meantime then, while you’re working on it.

Here’s an alternative behavior for you to try...

Wim Hof breathing and overcoming porn addiction...

I recommend you learn how to do the Wim Hof breathing method and you can find free guided instructions on that here on YouTube.

And if you’re up for it, after you’ve done the breathing exercise you go and take a cold shower.

You do NOT do the breathing exercise in the shower, you do the breathing exercise first while you’re lying on your back on the floor or your bed and then after that you go and take your cold shower.

This works extremely well as an alternative behavior because it will give you an instant state change. And as you remember, that’s exactly why we want to escape into porn when we’re feeling low.

And let me tell you, there are few things that cause a more powerful state change than the Wim Hof Method, which you can do naturally, of course.

Elevating low levels of dopamine can help with porn relapses...

And not only that, when you take a cold shower you will also get a pretty long lasting dopamine boost, in a healthy way - that lasts at least a couple of hours.

And unlike cheap dopamine that you get from instant gratification activities, here there’s no crash afterwards. It just slowly lands back on your baseline after a few hours. 

So, not only does the Wim Hof method cause a quick state change, but, well let’s put it like this, did you know that the nastiest cravings actually happen when your dopamine levels are low.

Urges are strongest when dopamine is low...

And since cold showers raise your levels you can knock out some of your strongest urges, sometimes even all of them, completely.

I do the Wim Hof breathing myself, although for me it’s no longer to avoid porn relapses, but I often do them whenever I feel low or some kind of void in my chest.

And I’m telling you guys, it works very quickly and using it as a tool like this makes it so much easier for me to avoid escaping into eating some junk food, having a couple of beers or just hours of mindless scrolling on social media. 

Now, of course it’s not a guarantee for eliminating relapses, because as we know there can be many different kinds of relapses, but I think most of you have experienced how low mood often drives you to act out.

A rapid state change is often what we need...

And when you do the Wim Hof routine like this, it will definitely give your mood a rapid boost. So at the very least you’re definitely increasing your chances of being able to stay strong that day.

Ok, and so for more tools and tips like this, make sure to download my FREE 90 Day No PMO Advice & Tool Guide by clicking on the image below...

Feeling stuck? You can transform your life in 13 weeks OR LESS by Downloading my FREE guide below...

And oh hey guys, there are people that claim NoFap is a big waste of time and you can click on the video right here if you want to see my responses to that.

-Scandinavian Bob

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