The Link Between PIED And Delayed Ejaculation (3 Warning Signs)

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Curious about the link between porn induced ED and delayed ejaculation?

Is there even such a link?

Is delayed ejaculation a sign that PIED might develop soon?

Let's jump in and find out...

The Link Between PIED And Delayed Ejaculation 

Scandinavian Bob here, hi.

Let's take a look at 3 things almost everyone with PIED has experienced right before they developed PIED.

Now the point of this video is not to scare anyone, I view it more as a warning because if you can stop it before it develops you can save yourself months of rebooting, so you do not want to miss this.

Disclaimer time:

This video is information only and is not medical advice. If you need medical advice please see a doctor. I am not a doctor, I’m just a guy sharing my experiences with this subject, to anyone who finds my take on it valuable. 

And before we start, you also need to understand that recognizing any or all of these signs doesn't necessarily mean that you will develop PIED. However, most people who now suffer from PIED have seen these signs. So, take from that what you will.

#1 You are suffering from Delayed Ejaculation

Yes, if it takes a long time for you to climax with a real life person, then it could be a sign that you have been desensitizing yourself. 

Gary Wilson has pointed out numerous times on his site Your Brain On Porn how delayed ejaculation often is the final step before a person develops PIED. 

Especially if you are a younger person who already has trouble climaxing, because most of the time, young men are very sensitive and tend to bust almost too quickly. 

There can be several reasons why I guy struggles with delayed ejaculations...

Ok, but remember now, everything in life CAN have several causes behind it, and it’s the same with DE, so again, if you have DE it it’s not a 100% indicator that porn is the problem, it is actually a pretty solid sign. 

This is because it points towards that your sensitivity has gone down. In other words, you no longer feel as much and sex is becoming less pleasurable. And of course if that keeps getting worse and worse, with time that might become full blown PIED.

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It's common to see a general drop in libido before PIED develops...

For many people they also notice a general drop in libido here. 

Now, I can personally attest to this, as I myself suffered from a milder form of PIED back when I was addicted to porn.

And I especially had trouble with condoms.

Sensitivity in the penis goes down...

First to get hard enough to be able to put them on, and if I managed to do so, I had trouble climaxing because I had trouble feeling almost anything at all.

But once I realized that porn was causing me trouble, I obviously started trying to give it up.

And the more I rebooted and the longer I was able to go without porn, the more I noticed my sensitivity returning down there.

Rebooting helps...

The quality of my erections also kept improving. With enough time away from porn, sex started feeling amazing again, even with condoms on.

This numbness we feel down there is mostly caused by desensitization—a numb pleasure response in your brain. However, it can also be caused by physical numbness if you have been using the so-called  "death grip" during masturbation.

This means gripping too hard and forcefully while watching porn, which a lot of guys start doing automatically to try to feel more as the desensitization in the brain becomes more severe.

Sing #2 You no longer find normal adult content as exciting.

Yes, from all the forum posts I’ve read and from all the guys I talked to over the years, I would say that at LEAST 90% of all the guys with PIED who look back on their use can see how they started finding “normal” porn less and less interesting.

Again, this is a sign of desensitization or at the very least habituation.

And, yes, this was definitely the case for me as well. I clearly remembered how in the beginning everything was exciting, but the more and more I used the less reaction I got from the plain old normal stuff. 

And when this happens, obviously sign #3 happens, which is…

#3 You have started doing to things to amplify your use

And by this I mean you have escalated in some, or several ways.

Maybe you now have multiple tabs open, and perhaps you’ve started sexting at the same time while you are watching porn.

Perhaps you’re doing even more clicking and fast forwarding than you used to and you now only stay maybe 5-10 seconds on each video clip before you feel a need to jump to a new one. 

Need more stimulation to get the same 'kick'...

And this obviously happens because, due to the desensitization, we need more stimuli in order to get the same buzz.  

Here’s a quote from Dr Carlo Foresta, an Italian doctor who was one of the first people to look  into PIED says…

“It starts with lower reactions to porn sites. Then there’s a general drop in libido, and in the end it becomes impossible to get an erection”.

Ok, if you look carefully at that quote, that pretty much sums up all the signs I’ve been talking about today.

So, consider subscribing for more because I will definitely make more videos on this in the coming future, and also, I have made a really short “Quality Manhood Guide”...

Download >>My FREE Guide<<  For Harder Boners Now!

It has some helpful tips and tricks for you to try if you feel like you would want a bit more power in your, little friend down there, and you can get the guide, 100% free of charge.

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