Medical Student's Experience With Quitting Porn (150 Days)

porn-addiction quitting porn success stories

A lot of people have noticed how porn is having a negative impact on them.

So did the guy in today's success story. 

He's a 29 year old medical student who decided to tear himself away from the screen and give up the porn.

Check it out...

Medical Student's Experience With Quitting Porn

Scandinavian Bob here, hi. It’s time for a new NoFap success story and today’s story comes from yet another medical student.

The guy is 29 years old and his story is relatively short so I’m going to insert a few comments here and there to let you guys know what I think about what he’s saying.

Let’s begin…

*Watch video at the top for his story*

Quitting porn gives you a better functioning dopamine system - which often leads to less procrastination...

Ok, so let me jump in and comment about when he says he now sees a big improvement in actually making things happen.

One reason for this can of course be because of less distractions and retention as he says, but I want to point out that increased motivation and drive is perhaps THE biggest and most common benefit guys who give up porn can expect to experience.

Because when you stop blasting your dopamine system with online porn it will actually start working so much better, and dopamine is, in fact the very motivation and “go go go - neurotransmitter”

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He continues by saying…

*Watch video at the top for his story*

Increased confidence is another common benefit among guys who quit porn

These are also very, very common benefits of NoFap and to make this even more interesting for people to see, please comment below if increased confidence and better eye contact is something any of you guys have experienced as well.

And he continues by saying…

*Watch video at the top for his story*

Increased attraction sounds strange, but is actually something a lot of people who give up porn will notice...

Ok, and so the increased attraction thing is something that may sound strange to a lot of people out there, but again, it is actually a pretty common benefit guys on NoFap see. So please share your thoughts on this one too.

And he ends by saying…

*Watch video at the top for his story*

Never give up, no matter how long it takes...

Alright so he says it took him 6 years to get to this point and if you guys keep struggling with relapses, take that as an inspiration to see that it is actually possible for you to get better at rebooting.

Just as long as you don’t give up and as long as you also try to learn something from every relapse.

And I’m no stranger to this myself as for me it actually took me 7 years to finally stop relapsing and if you’re interested in me sharing about my 7 year struggle and how I finally started finding my way out you can hear more about that by clicking on the screen right here.

And if you want to hear more NoFap success stories you can find a whole playlist with interesting videos by clicking right here.

This is Scandinavian Bob signing out for today. Consider giving me a like and subscribe and I’ll see you in the next one.

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