My Top 5 Benefits From Quitting PMO (#3 is my favorite)

no pmo nofap nofap benefits quitting porn

Scandinavian Bob here hi,

Many of you have asked me if I could make a video where I share what benefits I personally have experienced from quitting pmo.

As some of you may know I relapsed for years before I got the hang of it, however I gradually got better and better and my streaks got longer and longer, and today I have been free from PMO for a couple of years now.

So today I’m going to share the top 5 benefits I noticed the first time I reached 90 days.

This is a long time ago, but I have written all the benefits down and I remember them clearly.

So here goes, my benefits from quitting PMO... 

#1 I could self motivate...

Let me explain. Before I started rebooting I had a “fear based motivation”, meaning I would almost always only do things if I knew that there would be some pretty negative consequences if I didn't.

For example, I would only practice my musical instrument if I had some important gigs with any of my bands and then I practiced because I didn’t want to mess up.

In other words, I only practiced in order to avoid public humiliation.

This is fear based motivation and while we also need to have that in life, we also need motivation to do things simply because we feel a drive to do it.

We need both the carrot and the stick.

And one 90 day benefit I saw was motivation to do things because I wanted to do them and felt a drive to get better. 

I think this is a very common NoFap benefit and that would also explain why NoFap is such a great self improvement tool since it makes you want to improve and get better in several areas of your life.

And by now you probably know the biological  reason for this? That’s right, a better functioning dopamine system.

#2 Quitting PMO increased my energy and drive...

Almost a night and day difference.

Before I found NoFap, sure I would get stuff done, and I wasn’t any worse than other men out there...

...why would I?

I mean, most of them were probably also into using adult sites.

But after reaching 90 days I think I was able to achieve, I don’t know, maybe 3x more during a day. 

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#3 Increased confidence and self-esteem

My self-esteem and confidence increased.

Now some guys believe this is only because we get rid of the shame, but I wasn't really one of those guys who felt shameful for using adult sites, in fact it was so normal that if you didn’t you were the one who were being strange.

But my self esteem still increased significantly so something must be going on there.

I have tried to describe it before It is like NoFap gives you this firm, core manliness deep inside of you that your self-respect and confidence now can stand steadily upon and that makes you feel secure and well...


#4 Quitting PMO made me need less sleep...

That’s right I found that I needed less sleep and this is probably due to the overall increase in energy. How cool is that, it’s like we get more life.

1-2 hours less sleep per night (I would estimate).

Not everyone is going to get tat benefit, though.

I guess I never really got 100% restful nights in the middle of my porn addiction, so that probably explains why I now need less sleep than before.

#5 Quitting porn helped made me view women differently

Of course this is a big one as well. It’s so sad to see how many men just objectify women and before NoFap I was pretty guilty of this myself, so it’s not like I’m pointing fingers here but NoFap made me appreciate the beauty of a woman in a whole different way.

And, of course I started to see the real person. Now do you think that might give a relationship more depth to it...well, needless to say, yes it does.

Ok, these were my personal top 5 NoFap benefits of quitting PMO.

Of course I have experienced more than these over the years, but talk more about them in another video.

Alright, this Scandinavian Bob signing out for today.

Thanks for reading!

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