No Porn For One Month (Questions Answered)

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Have you been doing no porn for one month, and now you have some questions about where you're at in your journey?

Well, is so, you've come to the right place because today I'm answering questions guys commonly have after about 30 days without porn.

Let's get to it...

No porn for one month...

Scandinavian Bob here Hi.

Today I’m going to answer some questions I have got from guys who are around 30 days without porn, or close to one month into their pmo rebooting.

So grab yourself a cup of coffee, and stay for a while.

How bad is peeking during a PMO reboot?

I’m 28 days into my reboot, but I have been peeking a few seconds here and there. Just exactly how bad is peeking? For example, if I happen to peek at some booty shaking videos for 20 seconds, does it burn your dopamine receptors?

Good question and the answer is, no.

I can say with 100% certainty that your brain's reward system is not that sensitive that just 20 seconds of peeking would fry your receptors.

If that were the case, all of us would walk around with anhedonia today.

But, peeking is still not something you should be doing because, if you look at the screen here (see video).

Peeking feeds the porn addiction...

If you’re trying to overcome an addiction then you need to understand that you have built pathways in your brain to your addiction routine. 

Those are real physical brain changes. 

Think of it like a fork in the road. To the left is your addiction and to the right is your new addiction free life. 

Ok, and so what you want to do is to stop feeding your addiction.

Stop feeding it...

In other words, you want to stop taking the left road so that the grass can start growing there until that road is eventually all overgrown with grass. All while you keep walking this new way instead, tramping down the grass on that one, making it a good solid road.

Now, if you keep peeking it’s like you are still visiting this place all the time, and thus you keep tramping down the grass. 

So, again, stop peeking so that the left road eventually overgrown with  grass and all kinds of vegetation so that the new road becomes your much preferable road to walk.

Because everyone who has been struggling with a PMO addiction for some time knows that real happiness is not to be found, if you take the left road.

Alright, next question.

Is it okay to start dating 30 days after quitting porn?

Hi Bob, I have mild PIED and I’m on day 30 of no pmo. Do you think I can start dating? 

Yes I do. 

And, of course, dating does not necessarily have to mean being intimate right away, so why not?

Just getting to know a new person is a wonderful thing on its own. 

Now, you say you have mild PIED, and by that I presume you can still most often perform, but that you do not really live up to your full potential, so to speak.

What about dating when having porn induced ED?

So, in this case I would say that, yes, by all means start dating, but I would hold back on busting nuts for a bit longer just because, well, it has been shown that guys who have PIED tend to recover faster if they avoid busting for a few months in the beginning.

If you do become intimate, you could try practicing karezza.

Which means doing it, but focusing on the act instead of the climax.

In other words, you don’t even have to bust, just be playful, take it real slow and connect.

Now, I do realize this can be a bit hard to explain and she might even take it badly, but If you continue to date the truth is still your best option.

Take it slow and don't pressure yourself into anything...

However, I don’t think you should feel obligated to burden your date with all your problems the very first couple of dates.

So, if you happen to become intimate during your first or second date, you could also say something like, “I want to take it really slow because by not focusing on the climax you get a completely different connection.”

And you wouldn’t be lying, because that’s actually true. And I can tell you that many girls actually love the idea behind it.

I can also tell you that I myself had mild PIED and I can also say from my personal experience that karezza really seems to speed up my recovery. 

Now, if you try to avoid it but you still happen to bust, don’t worry about that. It’s not like it will put you back in your recovery. It’s more like it might stall the progress for a little while, but it’s not like you undo any healing that has taken place. 

Deep flatline 30 days after quitting porn?

Hi Bob, I’m on day 29 and I’m deep into a flaltine. I feel so broken and I have so much anxiety over this. Could I just test for a minute or so if I’m still working?

I feel your pain brother. 

You know, it’s very normal to have the urge to check to see if we can still function.

But I strongly recommend against it.

First, because, well again, we need to let the left road die out.

Second, since you’re deep into a flatline now, your drive is sleeping. So chances are you would not function as well as you would hope, and that would only make you freak out even more.

And besides, your libido is sleeping for a reason, it needs to rest.

Trust the process...

So, let it rest and trust the process. 

And also know that what you are going through is a textbook case of recovery. The flatline is a part of recovery and the recovery pieces are falling right where they should. 

Listen, I’ve been there!

And I know it can be very hard, and I would recommend you keep reading and listening to success stories of guys who have gone through it all while thinking, “Thousands and thousands of guys have gotten out of the flatline, and so will I.”

Because, I promise you, you will get through it. 

Now, all those normal tools like…

  •  physical exercise
  • meditation 
  • cold showers

…may help your mood a bit during your flatline, but the truth is that you just have to be patient and give it time.

And also, if you can manage to adapt a warrior's mindset and find glory in the suffering that will help you as well. 

Shorten your time frame...

Shorten your time frame, and instead of worrying about how long it will take, just take one day at a time and focus on getting through this day.

Think, "Yes, this flatline is hell, but it is not when the birds are singing and everything is going well that the warrior gets to show what he’s made of."

We don’t even need to be a warrior then! 

No, it's in his darkest moments, when all hell breaks loose, that the warrior grows and gets stronger than ever.

So, you have to try to pick up your suffering and bear it.

Keep going in the face of your suffering...

And then you keep going in the face of it.

Trudge forward on your journey, one day at a time, all while knowing that what you are going through right now is just a part of the process.

And that you will soon come out of it, and man, once you do, you will start feeling great.

So, avoid the temptation to check if you can get hard. Just let everything rest for now, you can do this man, I promise you.

Alright, since I can’t make these videos too long I will be back with more questions real in just a few days so if you found this informative, make sure to subscribe for those and if you feel that you would like more help you can reach out to me for a 1 on 1 coaching session.

Or if coaching is not your thing you can download my free 90 day no pmo guide down below.

Feeling stuck? You can transform your life in 13 weeks OR LESS by >>Downloading<< my FREE guide below...

And as always, I wish you all the best in your journey to become the strongest version of yourself.

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