NoFap: 60 Days After Quitting Porn - Social Anxiety Gone!
Wondering what can happen when you reach 60 Days of NoFap?
Or when you're 60 days into your journey of quitting porn?
Can quitting porn help your social anxiety and depression?
Well, let's take a look at two guys experiences with this.
I think you'll find it interesting.
NoFap: 60 Days After Quitting Porn - Experiences presented...
Scandinavian Bob here, hi.
Today we are going to fuel our motivation and take a look at a couple of quotes from guys who are about 60 days into their NoFap journey (Story 1, Story 2)
And we are doing this because, well it’s a great thing to keep the positivity and the fighting spirit alive, so please stay with me to the end here because you do not want to miss these stories…
Guy #1 says…
**Watch video at the top for success story**
Scandinavian Bob's comment:
Okay, that’s a short but inspiring story and you can also learn a lot from it. Notice how he says that he noticed how other dopamine stimulations can activate cravings for porn and make him relapse...
This is what I have been talking about so many times in my videos before, and I personally call it “waking the sleeping dopamine bear”.
It’s a phenomenon where one cheap dopamine activity can suddenly increase the desire for other cheap dopamine stuff, and thus make us relapse to porn, of course.
And we can all have different things that trigger this, so the key here is to get to know yourself and your reboot. This is just one example of why journaling is of immense value.
Here’s guy number two…
**Watch video at the top for success story**
And then he names a number of medications, which I’m not going to mention here, but they are the, you know, typical anxiety and antidepressant drugs….-
and he continues….
**Watch video at the top for success story**
Scandinavian Bob's comment....
Now, this is just a short quote from his whole story, but oh man, just this part alone makes me feel all warm inside because, well just look at how his life took a complete 180 turn, just by giving up the porn.
And perhaps some of you recognized the last story here from Gary Wilson talk, The Great porn experiment.
But I think it’s such a wonderful story that I just had to re-share it here.
Feeling stuck? You can transform your life in 13 weeks OR LESS by Downloading my FREE guide below...
A warning about quitting porn, NoFap, depression and social anxiety...
By the way, listen up here, even though these success stories are incredibly inspiring, as a content creator I have to put a warning here for you that if you are on any kind of medications, you do NOT just quit taking them without consulting with your doctor first. No matter how much your life is improving, always discuss it with your doctor.
But with all these stories, well it just goes to show how much of a negative impact porn can have on us AND the best part then, of course is that when guys remove the porn from their lives, things can quickly take a turn for the better.
So much so that it is sometimes hard to believe. But so many guys do experience this, and I have seen similar things every single week during all the 12 years I’ve been involved in this community now.
It is really an amazing thing.
Feeling stuck? You can transform your life in 13 weeks OR LESS by Downloading my FREE guide below...
Ok, so I hope these short stories have provided you with inspiration. If they resonate with you, I encourage you to subscribe for more because rest assured, I am committed to sharing similar content and raising awareness on these important topics with the public. I will never stop doing this and I will always be here on YouTube for you.
This is Scandinavian Bob signing out for today, and as always I wish you all the best on your journey to become the strongest version of yourself.
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