NoFap Day 14 (Depressed or Turning point After Quitting Porn?)

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Are you on NoFap day 14 right now?

And are you feeling depressed?

Well, today we are going to talk about NoFap day 14 depression and the two week turning point.

Let's begin...

NoFap Day 14 - Depressed or Turning point?

Scandinavian Bob here, hi.

In just a few seconds I’m going to reveal what I think is the most special day or period during a NoFap journey, but before I do I just want to say, one of the favorite things to talk about in the NoFap community seems to be number of days and different periods during the journey.

So is there a specific magical day on NoFap?

Of course there isn’t.

The 7'th day testosterone spike on NoFap...

Except for on day seven, when there’s a temporary spike in testosterone in most men who abstain, NoFap doesn’t really work like that, you know that on this exact day this will happen and then on that day this will happen. 

No, it doesn’t work like that because we all have different brains, and on top of that all of us are more or less addicted to stuff. And some guys are not even addicted at all. 

However, that said, there is a period in the NoFap journey that I have personally felt is pretty special. And no, I’m not talking about the day 7 testosterone spike here, but another period. 

And so, just to make it a bit more playful here, if someone twisted my arm and made me say a period I found to be the most special during my own journey and let’s say they really forced me to spit out an exact day, I would actually say, “Ok ok, day 14”.

Still I feel that day 14 of NoFap is special...

Now why would I say that?

Well, as I said before, the first two weeks were the hardest part for me. And this seems to be true for most guys out there. 

Once I got over two weeks it started to get a bit easier to not fall for the cravings. 

And in addition to this, after two weeks I also started to procrastinate less and started to feel a bit better about life. 

Another interesting thing about this is that studies on rats have found that it takes about 14-15 days of abstinence for the rats to fully upregulate their androgen receptors after they have been busting like crazy. 

And if you didn’t know, androgen receptors are small receptors that testosterone itself  binds to in order for you to be able to utilize it fully.

Now, of course this was an animal study and it doesn’t have to translate to humans at all, I’m fully aware of that. But what if it does? I mean, the timeframe certainly seems interesting. 

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What others are saying about NoFap day 14...

And again, I’m far from being the only one noticing improvements after the two week mark. Here are a couple of quotes from other NoFappers out there….

Guy #1

“Whenever I get to 14 days I start feeling more secure in myself. I don’t really care so much what people think of me after that.”

Guy #2

“It takes me about two weeks to start feeling the NoFap benefits. During the first week I often have intense cravings, and in my second week I often feel depressed, but by the time week three rolls around I start feeling really really good.”

But this does not mean everything will be great from here on out...

Now, I also have to say that just because we play around with a certain day number in today’s video it doesn’t mean that everything will suddenly be all sunshine and rainbows  after 2 weeks clean for everyone out there. No no no no no, and that certainly wasn’t the case for me either. 

The flatline and the withdrawals can last way longer than that, along with depression and feeling a void which was certainly the case for me, but I always felt that there was some kind of turning point happening right around the second week mark. And that things slowly, very very slowly started getting better from there on out. Albeit with a lot of ups and downs, of course. 


If you're depressed on Day 14 of NoFap, chances are this is your turning point...

So if you’re on day 14 and you’re feeling low right now. Chances are a turning point is right around the corner for you.

And by the way, did you know that just because you're in a flatline it doesn’t mean all of the NoFap benefits will be absent. You might still feel some of them to some extent. 

In fact, I’ve recently made a poll about benefits during a flatline and I will share this with you in a video real soon so consider subscribing for that.

In the meantime, have you guys seen my video series on the NoFap attraction phenomenon?


Well if not I think you might find it very interesting. You can see right here => How NoFap increases attraction, just click on that and it’ll take you there. 

This is Scandinavian Bob signing out for today, and remember, like Winston Churchill used to say “If you’re going through hell, keep going”.

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