NoFap - How To Deal With Withdrawals After Quitting Porn

porn-addiction quitting porn


Withdrawals after quitting porn...

As most of you know already, a lot of people are suffering from withdrawal symptoms for a period of time after going off porn.

And if you watched my last video you could see that this is actually very normal.

These negative symptoms can range from mild all the way to extremely nasty, depending on the person.

It's typically worst in weeks one to four

The most acute phase is normally between week 1 - 4 

There are some things we can do to mitigate these symptoms, and we'll talk about that in just a moment, but before we do you should know that tools and trix can and will help for sure, but they will most likely not completely get rid of the negative feelings, to 100%

Especially not if you are having really bad withdrawals.

Only time and patience will get rid of your withdrawals completely. 

Ok, so let's first start with your mindset. 

Remind yourself of the fact that withdrawals are a part of recover and that healing is taking place....

It can help to remind yourself of the fact that if you're having withdrawals, it's actually a sign of healing. And once you realize that, although you are having painful feelings right now, you can start linking those feelings to progress. 

You know, there's this saying that goes something like, “pain is just weakness leaving your body”.

Now, while that's not always the case, it has a lot of truth to it, and when it comes to withdrawals it is definitely the case. 

So, remember: withdrawals are indeed a sign of healing is taking place.

Avoid the temptation to escape into some other low value dopamine activity...

Another thing I would like to point out is that, when those low moments really start messing with you, you will feel a strong need to try to escape into some gratification stuff. 

Alcohol, junk food, cigarettes, drugs prostitutes or whatever, but you need to be a bit careful with using other instant gratification stuff as a means for escape, because if you do, then what you are doing is essentially telling your brain that, whenever it shouts and protests, it can have instant low value dopamine without having to work for it.

And in a way, that is reinforcing your addictive tendencies. Which, if you think about it, is exactly that...your need for instant pleasure without effort. 

Learn to sit with the feeling....

So, if you can manage to just sit with the uncomfortable feeling for a while, without escaping, then the period of withdrawals will actually become much shorter. 

Yes, in the moment it will feel unpleasant, but again, just by knowing and repeating to yourself that, hey, this is just weakness leaving my brain, it will become much more tolerable.

Now, I know I know, this is easier said than done, especially if you're really suffering with stress, anxiety and insomnia.

I get it, and to be honest I did use a supplement to reduce my anxiety from time to time myself back when I was rebooting. 

The supplement is called ProVanax and I'll include a link under the video to where you can get it for the cheapest price. I've been using it even long before I started my YT channel. It's truly one of the absolute best over the counter products you can find for anxiety out there.

Now obviously I didn't use it all the time.

Physical exercise for reducing withdrawals after quitting porn....

Another tool I used to deal with withdrawals after quitting porn was of course physical exercise.

Now, again, if you're really ridden by withdrawals, don't expect physical exercise to get rid of all of it, but you should at least be able to reduce it a bit. 

I personally found that if I first did some physical exercise and then immediately after that took a cold shower, it was even more helpful than just the exercise alone...or just the exercise alone.

Sometime it's just about pure endurance....

But again, I want to be brutally honest with you here, sometimes the only things that we can make work for us are: time, patience and just bloody endurance. 

In fact, these lines are from my own rebooting journal, written somewhere in 2016…

"Not even keto, physical exercise and a cold shower could override my withdrawals today."

So, yeah, as you can see, I've been there myself. And since I kept relapsing for mor than 7 years, I've pushed through periods of withdrawals many times, not just once.

Hiking in the woods helps a bit....

Another thing I found somewhat helpful was to take a long hike in the forest.

I took a backpack with coffee and some small snacks with me and if it was a sunny day, it always cheered me least a bit.

So perhaps something to consider for you right there, but again, the key thing here is to adapt the right mindset.

Know that this is just a temporary phase, it's a sign of recovery and that things will get better. 

And oh hey guys, if  you still haven't got my free quitting porn guide, then make sure to download it below.

It's a 90 day guide, full of helpful information for you on exactly how to beat the big 90. 

Feeling stuck? You can transform your life in 13 weeks OR LESS by >>Downloading<< my FREE guide below...


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