NoFap - How To Know I'm in Flatline After Quitting Porn? (This is How)

nofap flatline quitting porn

Are you doing NoFap and now you are wondering how to know if you're in a flaltine?

Just exactly how can you tell you're in the dreaded flatline after you've quit porn?

 The flatline is scary, no doubt, and here's how to tell if you're in one.

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NoFap - How To Know I'm in Flatline After Quitting Porn?

Scandinavian Bob here, h!

Today's video is about:  NoFap - how to know I’m in flatline?

Just a short video today answering a question I often get and that is, if you’re doing NoFap, how do you know if you’re in a flatline?

Well, here follows the most common things that characterize a flatline…

You know you're in a flatline when you have a complete loss of sex drive... 

It feels like someone has pulled the plug on whatever machinery that drives your s-drive. Most guys don’t even feel a desire to watch porn here. 

  • Your penis feels dead and lifeless. 
  • Your penis feeling cold and lack sensitivity.
  • You have no physical response when seeing a hot woman.
  • Loss of morning wood.
  • Less motivation.
  • Depressed - nothing matters

Yeah, this is another common thing for guys going through a flatline.

Now, there are more than these, like for example increased anxiety or insomnia, but I would say that if I start listing those here then we start blurring the line between the flatline and withdrawal symptoms.

So the ones I already listed are the absolute most common ones. 

Yeah so the NoFap flatline can indeed be quite nasty, but the good news is that if you keep going you will get out of the flatline.

The flatline commonly lasts anywhere from 10-70 days...

And a flatline normally lasts anywhere from 10-70 days.

For some they can be a bit longer, but that’s the average range right there, and as you can see it varies greatly.

So let’s hope you are on the shorter side. 

Before I sign out I want to remind you of my 90 Day No PMO Advice and tool guide.

Download my 90 day no pmo tool guide...

This is something I’m giving away for free and by using the link under the video you can sign up to my email list and you’ll get the guide right into your email inbox.

It is a very helpful PDF-file with 13 bullet points for each week, as it takes 13 weeks to complete a 90 day challenge. It is aimed at those who are addicted to PMO and want to quit and start living a no PMO lifestyle.

Download >>My FREE Guide<<  For Harder Boners Now!

Alright, this is Scandinavian Bob signing out for today, consider subscribing for more helpful NoFap videos and as always, I wish you all the best in your journey to become the strongest version of yourself.


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