NoFap - How To Know You're in A Flatline (The Porn Flatline)
So you decided to quit porn, huh?
And no your libido is gone?
You've heard about the No-porn / NoFap flaltline, but now you have a few questions...
Like, how to know you're in a flatline?
What does the NoFap flatline feel like?
Well, let's take a look right now...
NoFap - How To Know You're in A Flatline (The Porn Flatline)
NoFap how do you know you’re in a flatline?
Well, since it took me more than 7 years to finally stop relapsing it means I had a lot of different streaks going on back when I was rebooting.
This also means I had to face the NoFap flaltine so many times.
And even though the streaks were a bit different from time to time, for me the flatline almost always felt the same.
My experience with the NoFap flatline...
The sign was a complete loss of libido, or I would say, to at the very least a 90% drop.
It felt like someone had pulled the plug to whatever machinery drives libido and I was indifferent about all things related to sex.
But the ironic part here is that one can still relapse.
Relapses are still possible, despite no libido...
Because if you have a porn addiction then you do not always relapse because you’re horney, in fact, most of the time it has nothing to do about that at all, but you relapse because your brain is looking for a quick dopamine fix.
And even if you have no libido at this point, your brain still remembers some back in the day sessions where you actually got a pretty high dopamine spike from porn, so even if you feel no drive right now it thinks it’s a solution, but if you do relapse, it delivers almost no enjoyment, which leads me to the next sign.
Your libido engine is not running on all cylinders...
If I did use porn, or did have sex during a deep flatline. The arousal was very low, and my boners did almost not even work. It was like knowing you have a 6-cylinder car, but you're only running on 2 cylinders at most.
Very disappointing.
And you can even notice this without having sex, which leads me to sign number 3…
If you see a very attractive woman, according to your own standards, your brain can objectively tell that she’s attractive, but you have no physical response in your body at all and you don’t feel those typical thoughts of, you know, “Ahmmm”.
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Let’s say you’re standing in line to pay for your items in the grocery store, and right in front of you you have a woman who’s a complete 10 according to your own standards.
Well, if you’re in a deep flatline you feel completely indifferent, and you just know that if you two were a couple and you went into some kind of side-room right then and there in the store, it would be a huge disappointment because of the lack of those normal pleasurable responses.
Physical signs…
You have temporarily lost all sensitivity down there and your penis feels cold and lifeless.
Yes, and during the flatline it can even be physically smaller.
It’s like, normally when walking around if you shift your focus down there, well, normally you can at least feel something. I mean you can feel your wiener touching a bit against the fabric of your boxers while you walk for example.
But if you’re a deep flatline then it’s like it’s almost not even there. And when you go to the toilet and look down on it it can literally be smaller, a bit shriveled up.
A smaller, shriveled up penis...
A good way to describe this all is like both your libido and your penis is temporarily detached from you and it can be a very scary feeling.
Also, normally when you’re not in a flatline, the weiner feels fuller, you know that it has a bit of weight to it when hanging there, but no, not during the flatline, you can’t really feel anything like that at all right then.
No morning wood
Now, it’s possible to be in a flatline during the daytime and still have some kind of morning and night woods going on. But for many people it is very normal to lack morning wood here. And this was certainly the case for me.
And lastly, a bonus sign…
Mental symptoms…
It’s also very common to feel low mood right around here.
Even worse motivation and drive than usual and I personally would describe this period of lower mood like I had a black hole in my chest. A dark void like something was missing in my life.
Now, there are guys out there who do not suffer from any negative mental effects during the flatline, and they only notice effects related to their libido, but it is very, very common.
Low motivation and drive...
Remember now that the NoFap flatline is only a temporary phase and once you get out of it you'll feel better than every
The flatline often starts somewhere in the first to third week and can normally range between 10-70 days, but that range needs to be taken with a big grain of salt as everyone is different here.
Some people don’t even descend into a flatline at all, while some while run into several flatlines during their journey so the flatline can come and go a few times. It can do that even during the same streak, even if you don’t relapse in between them.
And yes, there are also some unlucky people who will have a very long flatline, far longer than 70 days, and I will talk more about that in a coming video so consider subscribing for that.
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