NoFap: is Edging a Relapse When Quitting Porn? (How Bad is it)

dopamine desensitization nofap relapse pmo addiction porn relapse porn-addiction

The Dopamine quiz I mention in the end of the video can be found right here!

Are you trying to quit using porn?

And now you are wondering whether edging counts as a relapse or not?

So, what's the deal here?

Is edging a relapse on NoFap?

Well, let's take a look...

NoFap: is Edging a Relapse When Quitting Porn? 

Is edging a relapse on NoFap?

Well, first of all, the definition of a relapse is when you break whatever rules you have set for yourself on your journey and you resort to doing something you promised yourself you would no longer do and I don’t know what rules YOU have set for yourself on your journey.

Edging on NoFap is NOT good...

But in NoFap in general I would say that edging while using adult websites is a big, big relapse.

Now, stay with me here, because  I’m about to tell you something about it that will absolutely blow your mind, not your load, but your mind…

Dopamine has many functions in our brain, but dopamine’s main role is to assist us with things that will help us survive AND reproduce. 

This means that whenever there’s an opportunity for mating, even the anticipation of that activity will drive up your dopamine levels. And this is biology's way of helping us go for it.

It is there to push us towards it.

Now, once you understand this I could ask you the following question.

When during your fapping session do you think dopamine is at its highest point?

If dopamine spikes in order to help us reproduce, when during your fapping session would dopamine be at its highest point?

Can you figure that one out?

Well that would be right before you are about to ejaculate to really make sure you go for it and bust because that’s what we need to do in order to carry your DNA to the next generation.

Edging is a bad idea no matter whether you're addicted or not...

You see, your reptilian brain thinks your fapping session to porn is real mating. And so now you might say “Oh come on, my brain is not that stupid. IT clearly knows the difference”

Well I would certainly hope so!

And, yes, you probably know the difference, I’ll give you that. 

But the reptilian part of your brain does NOT.

Your reptilian brain sees your porn session as a real opportunity for mating...

You see it’s a primordial part of your brain that does not use reasoning or logic. 

I mean just think about it, why would you even get an erection from looking at the porn otherwise? If your reptilian brain operated purely on logic it would say...

  “Well since this is not real it’s there’s no point in making him aroused by it because my job is to make him reproduce, not to make his keyboard all sticky”. 

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Without online porn edging wouldn't be a problem...

Ok, there are two things you need to know about edging and that was the first thing. 

That your dopamine levels are at the absolute highest point they can be right before you about to ejaculate. 

And THAT’S the problem with edging…

That you can keep yourself right on that edge backing off a bit, going forward and backing off again-  without going over, and you keep yourself there for a very long time and now with the help of online porn and all the unending novelty out there you can do this sometimes even for hours at end.

Because novelty ALSO helps to jack up your dopamine.

You see...

 Without online porn, edging for a very long time would be too boring for most people, but since porn tube sites started rolling out, it has become a real problem. 

With the help of online porn you can override your natural satiation mechanism...

As soon as your dopamine levels start to drop you can instantly just click to a new porn star, or a new category, you can escalate into more shocking stuff, things you haven't seen before and by keeping yourself on the edge like this with your dopamine levels remains sky high all the way through. 

In fact, by doing this, it is the absolute highest dopamine response you can get without actually using chemical drugs. 

Your brain is taking a bath in dopamine for sometimes hours at the end. 

I speak from experience when I say: edging to porn can definitely be bad for your dopamine system!

And by the way here, I’m not shaming or pointing fingers here, in fact I myself am a former porn addict who has done a lot of this edging so I speak from experience here. 

Now,  the second thing you need to know about edging is that when your brain is taking a bath in dopamine like this for a very long time something scary can start to happen inside your head. 

Your brain kicks in a counter mechanism in order to protect itself from all the unnatural amounts of dopamine. 

Edging can cause desensitization...

And this is how we, with time, can cause a messed up dopamine system and something called desensitization.  

And this can then lead to all kinds of negative issues like…

  • Lack of energy
  • Lack of motivation and drive
  • Lack of concentration and focus
  • Increased anxiety and depression

…and so on…

Please stay with me here as I would like to show you a really short, two minute video I have from a presentation I made on exactly how this desensitization process takes place inside your brain.

It will be so helpful for you to understand this because of several reasons, because for example in a few days from now I will post a video with the title Can I still recover on NoFap even if I keep relapsing a couple of time a month, and at one point in that video I’m going to refer to the desensitization process that you are about to see. 

So the sound will change a bit here now, but just watch this two minute presentation that starts right now…

**Watch video at the top to see the presentation!**

Alright so I hope you found this interesting and now you also understand that...

No matter if you call edging a relapse on NoFap or not, if you are edging to porn and you think you are doing yourself a favor by not busting any nuts, you are sorely mistaken!

Edging is a bad idea, no matter if you're on NoFap or not...

Because edging to porn for hours on end  is literally the worst thing you can do for your dopamine system, no matter if you you ejaculate or not. 

In fact it would actually be much, much better for you to just ejaculate quickly and get your sessions out of the way, than to keep yourself on the edge and keep it going for hours on end without busting any nuts. 

Again I’m not moral preaching here, I speak from experience when I say, you can really lose track of time during this edging sessions.

And at my lowest point I sometimes wasted 5, 6 sometimes even up to 7 hours clicking from video to video, looking for the perfect one to finish on, which obviously never comes. 

But the point is, oh man how my dopamine system took a serious hit from all those hourly long edging sessions.

When you quit watching porn your desensitization can reverse...

But the good news is that if you get off the porn and stop doing things like this, your dopamine system can heal and you can even do things to help speed up the process like for example doing different dopamine fasting protocols.

Although there is no direct research made on how much or even if that would help a desensitized reward system, but this what I have noticed with myself and heard from other PMO rebooters as well.

Take the free dopamine quiz...

And if you think about it dopamine fasting is the exact opposite to dopamine overstimulation, so it does make sense. But again, no one can promise anything like that because we just don’t know.

But speaking of your dopamine system, if you are curious how much or if your edging sessions have desensitized you then you can take a short dopamine quiz right here, and get a dopamine score.

Now, this quiz is something I created just with my personal experience as a reference point, so it should be taken with a grain of salt, but it is 100% free and can be really interesting to take. 

Make sure to subscribe for more videos like this and also, take a look at this video right here to learn more about some tips and tricks to heal your brain after porn addiction.

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