7 NoFap Mistakes (Discover Deadly Errors)

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Scandinavian Bob here hi,

Today we are going to talk about 7 high risk situations that often make people relapse and if you want to take NoFap seriously, well, you need to know them all.

The title is NoFap mistakes, but you'll quickly notice that not all of them are mistakes, but should perhaps be called danger situations. 

Anyway, they all serve the same purpose, to help the reader relapses less.

So, let's jump in right away...

NoFap mistake #1: Being hungry!

Yes, that's right.

If you are hungry you are at higher risk of relapsing. In fact this is a well known fact in the alcohol addiction community and you should know that it is indeed the same when it comes to NoFap.

The solution to this is kind of obvious, just bloody eat something :)

But eat healthy because junk food will only make it worse, which leads me to number 2…which is

NoFap Mistake #2: Eating sugar...

Eating sugar or carbs with a high glycemic index will make your blood sugar spike more aggressively than if you eat low glycemic index carbs or any of the other macronutrients.

Now, as far as relapses go, the problem is not when the blood sugar goes up.

Up is no problem - down is worse...

It is when your blood sugar comes crashing back down that your risk of releasing increases many-fold.

Yes this is true, most relapses happen when your blood sugar is on its way down.

So, focus more on low glycemic carbs or perhaps cut down on your total carb intake.

You can even try a keto diet if you're up for it. 

Cut down on your curbs or even try keto if you're up for it...

By the way, did you know that for many people a keto diet significantly increases willpower and self-control?

In fact, many poker players, chess players and memory masters have adapted a keto diet because they feel it makes their brain sharper.

Personally, I cycle on and off keto and I can attest to this being true.

If you don’t want to do keto, no problem - just stay away from sugar and the highest GI foods. 

NoFap mistake #3: Loneliness... 

This one is perhaps the biggest one on the list.

In fact, there are even many experts that argue that loneliness is the core problem of addiction in the first place.

Now, I’m not going to go into that debate in this video, but one thing is for sure, and I think you’ll agree with me...

...you have probably relapsed many times when you have had this depressing cloud of loneliness hovering over you!

Plan your weeks...

So plan your weeks in a better way and make sure to schedule more social activities.

Now, I know this one can be a bit hard to fix, but Guys, I have often talked about the importance of having different goals while doing NoFap.

Well here’s a good one for you: make being more social a goal or a long term project for you and then keep working on it, day by day...week by week.

Mistake #4: Stress, worry and anxiety 

Oh yes, this is another big one. When it comes to these, so many people self medicate by going for some kind of dopamine driven activities, and unfortunately this leads many people to develop addictions.

And once you “found your thing to be addicted to”, and even if you really want to quit you will often relapse back into it during stressful periods. 

Meditation, physical exercise, journaling, yoga and the Wim Hof method are all phenomenal tools for reducing your stress. 

Feeling stuck? You can transform your life in 13 weeks OR LESS by >>Downloading<< my FREE guide below...

No PMO mistake #5: Being tired...

This one is kind of obvious, but it is a big one so it still needs to be on the list. If you are sleep deprived or just generally tired you are much more likely to relapse.

The solution to this is so obvious that I shouldn’t even have to tell you, but...just go to bed on time and also structure your day in a smarter way. 

NoFap mistake #6: Anger and disappointment...

Yes, this used to be a big one for me back when I was relapsing. I remember oftentimes when I set out to do something and it didn’t go as I planned.

I often relapsed as a result of feeling disappointed and it’s a big one for a lot of people, the same goes with anger as they are kind of related. With both there is basically something that is not being the way you would want it to be.

The solution here is to learn to work with your thoughts and I highly recommend you look into stoicism for this. If you don’t know what it is, just search for it here on YouTube. 

NoFap mistake #7: Making a lot of decisions

Did you know that your willpower is like a muscle, meaning you can train it so that it becomes stronger?

However, your willpower muscle also gets tired during the day.

Yes, there is real research backing this up and. If you for example have a day where you have to make a lot of decisions, that is something that drains your willpower fast.

Steve Jobs wore the same clothes every single day...

Steve Jobs, for example, wore the same clothes every single day, just to have one less thing to make decisions on.

And the same goes for many other successful people out there, as they don't want to waste their willpower on unnecessary stuff.

So plan your days in advance and make to do lists, then just execute and tick off the boxes as you go through your day.

This saves an enormous amount of brain power and not only that, it will of course also help you achieve your goals faster. So, stop drifting.

"Plan your work and then work your plan!"

 -Scandinavian Bob-

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