NoFap / Quitting Porn Doesn't Help For Anxiety? (My Experience)
The online course for quitting porn, that I mention in the end of the video can be found right here.
NoFap gave me a lot of benefits.
It really did.
And quitting porn is one of the best decisions I've ever made in my entire life.
But NoFap did not really help with my anxiety.
Let me explain....
NoFap / Quitting Porn Doesn't Help For Anxiety?
When I started my own journey 12 years ago I, like most guys, was reading a lot about all the different kinds of NoFap benefits, and I was excited to see how many of them I would achieve.
And sure enough, I have achieved so many of them that I have to say, giving up porn has been one of the best decisions I made in my entire life.
But there is one benefit that I did not get to enjoy as much as I wanted when I first started reading about guys' experiences out there.
Some guys do experience a complete remission of anxiety on NoFap...
And that is a complete remission of anxiety.
And when I put it like that I obviously mean irrational anxiety, not anxiety as a feeling because it would be stupid to wish for not being able to experience the full repertoire of feelings that comes with being a human being.
So it is anxiety problems, I’m talking about here.
Now, I did experience a slight reduction of my anxiety as I started to overcome my porn addiction, but in my case it looks like my anxiety is mostly caused by some autoimmune issues, and that’s the thing you need to understand about NoFap benefits…
You see, I get so many questions like, will NoFap help me with “A”, and will it help me with “B” and how about “C”?
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Well, the thing is, If porn was not the cause of your problems, the lower the chance it will be that NoFap is actually helping you with them.
We must remember that there can be many causes...
Like take for example ED...
Fapping a lot to online porn can definitely cause your dick to stop working, but most of you understand that there are also other things that can cause that to happen.
Like for example, clogged arteries, anxiety, depression, shame and on and on, and let’s for example your ED is really caused by clogged arteries, then no amount of NoFap is going to give you rock hard boners.
And the same logic applies to pretty much all ailments you can think of.
If your "issue" wasn't caused by porn, NoFap is probably not going to help that much for that particular issue...
But anxiety is a bit different though, because there are many things that can feed into the anxiety at the same time.
For example a lack of confidence, and most guys who go on a NoFap journey will experience a big increase in confidence.
So it would not be far fetched at all to think that even if porn was not the biggest cause of it, just the big increase in confidence could by itself be such a powerful feeling that it somehow overrides the true cause of it, whatever that may be. Up to a point, at least.
And I feel that’s the way it is with my anxiety; NoFap helps a bit, but I seem to be genetically predisposed to it and I was suffering from it even long before I had access to the internet.
Yes, I AM really that old.
It is very normal for porn to cause an increase in anxiety...
But just because I didn’t experience such a powerful reduction in my anxiety doesn’t mean I don’t recognize a lot of people do. In fact, let’s take a look at a poll I made in the community section a few days ago.
I asked, has NoFap helped you with your anxiety?
And as you can see, 63% said yes. 29% said they have not been able to build a long enough streak yet in order for them to know for sure, and only 9% said outright “No”
So, if you just started your own NoFap journey, and you are hoping for the anxiety reduction benefit, chances are very good indeed that NoFap will help you.
Looking at the bigger picture...
But, yeah, I just wanted to share this because I think it is important to also talk about what hasn’t worked for us, so that we get a more nuanced view of thing and just all the time keep hammering all the positives to the point of this whole NoFap thing becoming some kind of parody of itself.
Alright, but the is and will always be that too much porn can definitely cause a lot of problems in your life and if you keep on struggling with quitting, and nothing seems to be working for you then you can read about a my 4-step porn crushing system right here.
Thanks for reading.
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