NoFap & Quitting Porn Doesn't Work (My Thoughts)

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NoFap & Quitting Porn Doesn't Work (My thoughts)

Scandinavian Bob here, hi.

Listen, I think you all know that most of the time do read the comment under my videos, and every now and then I get someone coming in commenting “NoFap doesn't work”.

So, what do I think about that?

Addressing doubts about NoFap

Well, most of the time it’s just some outside individual who are not into NoFap at all, and just want to  do what haters do best, you know, be loud and provocative, but sometimes it can also be from someone who have tried NoFap, but is now somehow disappointed at his lack of progress.

But in both cases I honestly have to say I think it is a very strange thing to say. 

An analogy: comparing NoFap to other addictions

First of all, when you say “NoFap doesn’t work”, what exactly do you mean by ‘work”?

Work for what?

For making every single female on the planet instantly throw themselves at you and for suddenly lining up all your pockets with gold?

Well I’m sorry to say, maybe your expectations might just be a tiny bit off here. 

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Challenging negativity: dealing with said doubt

But whatever you mean with the words “NoFap doesn’t work”, I seriously think it’s a really strange thing to say.

Because check this out,  let’s say we have person “A” over here who just drinks a very small amount of alcohol every now and then, he has zero problems with it and he is not at all addicted to it. 

Then we have person “B” to the right who is seriously addicted to alcohol, he drinks a copious amount of alcohol, is 90 pounds overweight with all kinds of different health problems as a result. Both physical problems and a lot of mental problems. 

How can NOT getting rid of a serious addiction or a destructive habit "work"?

So imagine now if person “A” here has been experimenting with giving up the small amount of alcohol he used to drink occasionally, but since he never had any problems with it he can honestly not tell any difference. 

Then one day he finds a YouTube channel about quitting alcohol, he goes to the comment section, which is full of people like person “B” who is trying to give it up and he writes those same stupid words…

“Quitting alcohol doesn’t work”. 

You have to guarding your mind

Work for what?

Don’t you not think person “B” would notice benefits of giving it up?

And I seriously mean it when I say this is pretty much how I view the “NoFap doesn’t work” comments that pop up every now and then.

Now of course I’m not saying that a porn addiction can destroy your physical health in the exact same way as an alcohol addiction can do, but a real porn addiction can certainly be extremely bad for you in many, many ways, for you mental, physical and sexual health AND for your whole life in general. 

Porn addiction IS a real thing and my point is, how can anyone even say things like “NoFap doesn't work”? with all this in mind?

Not everyone is the same...

Ok, so perhaps you may be like person “A” who never had any problems at all with porn, but that doesn't mean giving a porn won’t be beneficial for someone who has a porn addiction.

So if you are someone who is reading comets and tends to get affected by this kind of negativity, or if you are someone who is rebooting and feeling it’s taking a long time for your  brain to rebalance, I’ll end by saying this. 

Negativity will not help your NoFap journey...

Quitting porn and rebooting is hard enough as it is. Negativity will only make it worse for you, so you have to stand guard at the door of your mind and watch what you decide to let in there. Whether it’s negativity in the form of provocative comments OR negativity in the form of your own thoughts cause you’re going through a tough time right now. 

So actively work on not allowing yourself to resort to negativity.

Positivity can potentially also help speed up recovery...

Stay positive because I’m telling you guys, I seriously believe you can make your reboot quicker that way, and on top of that you’ll have a more pleasant journey along the way.

Keep your face always toward the sunshine—and shadows will fall behind you.

Thanks for reading,

-Scandinavian Bob

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