NoFap Sucks (58 Year old's experience)
Do you feel that NoFap sucks?
And you're having no results whatsoever?
Perhaps you're even getting worse?
Well, if so, today's content is for you.
Let's begin....
NoFap Sucks?
Scandinavian Bob here, hi.
So I got an email question about how NoFap kind of sucks, and here it is…
By the way, if you ever send me an email, I will never reveal your name or alias so you don’t have to worry about that…
“Hey Bob, I'm a 58-year-old man who just found this community. I've been seriously addicted to masturbation, porn, and everything sex-related since I was 18—compulsively, to the point where it's cost me many relationships and a lot of money. Today, I'm on day 57 of NoFap and quitting porn. I've had some good days, but I can't say it's made a huge difference yet. Over the last two weeks, I actually feel like I'm doing worse. Isn't NoFap supposed to make us feel better? Right now, Nofap kind of sucks"
Years of addiction take time to heal...
Yes, so thank you so much for the question because this is an important one.
Alright so you have basically struggled with a serious addiction for 40 years. According to your own words there.
Now for all my long-term subscribers, don’t worry, I’m not going to talk about dopamine and withdrawals in this one, but today I’ll offer you another perspective…
Check this out…**see video at the top of article**
If this line that you see on the screen right here represents a 40 year period. The length your brain has been used to your addiction.
Then 57 days of NoFap which is basically two months would only be this big of a time period.
We would actually have to zooooom in like this and erase a bit of that, like this to make it the ratio correct, yes I actually calculated and measured this so now when we zoom back out we are starting to get some perspective here.
NoFap is not a magic bullet....
Point being, if you have been living with a serious addiction for most of your life, 40 years in this case, that you can’t have too high expectations for NoFap to change your life in just a few weeks time.
Sure it can happen, but you guys need to understand that it takes time for the brain to adapt to a new way of living.
And if we just take a look again at how short a 57 day nofap period is, compared to 40 years of addiction, this is easier to understand.
So you guys need to let it take some time. Be patient and trust the process.
Discover how long it takes to reverse porn's negative effects FOR YOU. Use the FREE PMO recovery estimator below to find out..
Nothing in life gets better from acting out an addiction...
I think everyone of you guys know, if you’re honest with yourself, that nothing in life gets better from having and acting out a severe compulsive addiction, no matter what that addiction is.
So when guys who try to quit a porn addiction say it’s getting worse, then what’s happening there is of course that it is a matter of a temporary phase that will pass, and things will start getting better and better, slowly but surely.
"Most guys have started to see some really good benefits by the 90 day mark - while some take a few months longer - and some unlucky guys may even take up to a year, but they are in the minority."
Porn induced ED and recovery time...
Now, there is one aspect of rebooting that does not always correlate to age, and that is porn induced ED (PIED).
With that one older guys actually tend to have a quicker recovery, but that shorter time frame is more for the ED recovery, and not for your overall general feeling of awesomeness.
Also, it is actually not the older age in and of itself that makes guys recover faster from PIED, it is the fact that older guys, like myself and people who are over 45 did not grow up with the internet.
And the younger a person is when he starts fapping to online porn, unfortunately, the longer a PIED recovery will take, in general.
Not for everyone, because it’s different for everyone and if you want to know what the other factors are that play the biggest part in how long your overall reboot takes then click on the video below to see something truly surprising...
And if you want an even more specific answer you can check out my Free PMO recovery time estimator right here.
This is Scandinavian Bob signing out for today, consider giving me a link and subscribe and I’ll see you in the next one.
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