How To Not Binge After A Porn Relapse (Breaking A Long Streak)

nofap relapse porn relapse porn-addiction

The system I mention in the end of the video can be found right here.

Are you trying to quit porn?

Have you noticed how easy it is to start bingeing after you relapse?

Or how hard it it to not go into full binge mode after you've relapsed on your NoFap journey in general?

Well, if so, today's content is for you...

How To Not Binge After A Porn Relapse

Hey guys, let me ask you a question…

Have you ever been on a good streak? You are stacking up the days, feeling proud about yourself that you are doing the right thing, you’re starting to feel some benefits.

And then suddenly one Thursday night you slip and there it is. BAM!

You just relapsed.

And now when you try to get it going again, perhaps you manage to stay clean on Friday, but now it’s like you lost all that motivation you had when you were riding on that streak and so you relapse again the following day.

Stuck in a relapse cycle after that first slip...

And then this keeps repeating itself a few days on and off because now you're not at all feeling the same drive and fighting spirit as you had during this initial streak.

Does this sound familiar to you?

Pause the video right now and let me know in the comment section below if it does. 

So why does this happen, and more importantly, what can you do about it?

Well there are actually several reasons behind why we lose momentum after we fall off the wagon. But the biggest reason is that the streak in and of itself is reinforcing. 

Why we lose motivation after a porn relapse...

Please listen carefully now because if you understand what I’m about to say, well, the secret to solving this lies within what I’m about to say..

Remember when I said that during your streak you feel good about yourself for putting in the work and making it happen?  So this means It feeds your identity of being someone who is doing the right thing.

And that’s what I mean when I say it's self-reinforcing. The identity the streaks creates helps with keeping you going.

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The streak in and of itself is self-reinforcing...

But then when you relapse we feel that you lost that thing. And since it was self-reinforcing you also lost the very thing that drove you forward and made it easier for you.

And without that backbone  it’s like you’re giving up and you give yourself permission to go crazy.

You fall into black and white thinking.

THE SOLUTION here is to realize that you have to become good at relapsing?

You have to become good at relapsing...

So what the hell do I mean by that?

Well, the truth is that 99% of people will have several relapses during their journey, and this means that, even though they suck, relapses are still a part of the journey.

And if they are a part of the reboot journey, it also means that rebooting  is not just about stacking up day after day with zero porn, but also that you will have to become good at handling yourself correctly those days you happen to slip. 

Find pride in doing the next best thing...

And here comes the key so listen up now, remember when I said that the biggest reason you start binging after you break a streak is because you feel that you broke that identity of being someone who is good and does the right thing?

WELL, this means that if you then can realize that, since relapses also are a part of the journey,  IF a relapse happens then you can still find pride in being a person who does the right thing.

And doing the right thing when relapsing is to get right back up on the horse and without giving yourself permission to go crazy.

Keep your identity intact even if you happen to relapse...

So this means that,  even if you relapse, you don't have to lose your identity of being someone who does the right thing. And thus you do not lose that backbone thing I talked about earlier,  that thing that makes you have this intrinsic drive to stay on track and not go crazy.

In fact, you can take pride in being someone who even in the face of a setback can find himself doing the right thing right then and there. 

This is what I mean by getting good at relapsing.

The paradox of porn relapses...

It’s a paradox, my friend, in order to finally stop relapsing, you will first have to get good at relapsing.

But people are somehow incapable of seeing this paradox, so they fall into the trap of black and white thinking and that’s exactly why those binges happen as well.

It’s a skill just like everything else in life, and if you keep practicing this you will get better at it.  

But I know, I know, I fully understand it can be tough to get the hang of this on your own and so if you want to shorten the learning curve, you can read about my 4-step porn crushing system right here. 

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