PIED Recovery F.A.Q's (Porn Induced ED Recovery Answers)
The video is about PIED recovery and general no PMO rebooting stuff. The product I mention in the end of the vide can be found here 👉https://pmoflatline.com/alphaviril
PIED recovery signs - tips and more...
Scandinavian Bob here hi,
Let’s talk about pmo rebooting an PIED recovery.
Today’s video is going to have a bit of a different format, since I’m going to answer some email questions I have got from some of you. Questions about PIED recovery signs, pied recovery stages, rebooting and NoFap in general...
...so make sure to stay with me to the end here...
PMO rebooting an PIED recovery.
I'm going to make these FAQ videos into a series and today is PART 1, so consider subscribing in order to not miss the coming parts.
Ok, so now with that out of the way, let’s jump in and take a look at the questions.
#1 Can I recover from PIED if I smoke cigarettes?
Although I obviously don’t recommend smoking; yes, you can still recover from PIED if you smoke cigarettes.
In fact, thousands and thousands of men have recovered while smoking.
To recover from PIED there are two main things you need...
- Rebooting - You stop using online porn, or porn substitutes (avoid any artificial sexual arousal)
- Rewiring - You start spending a lot of time around real life people, instead of pixels on a screen.
That said, years of heavy smoking can also cause weaker boners, and just for the sake of your health in general, I’d say ditch the cigarettes man...
...at least consider i!
But again, smoking does not have anything to do with pied and you can recover if you smoke.
#2 Can I recover from porn induced ED if I stop using adult sites but I keep masturbating without porn?
Yes it’s possible.
I know many guys guys who have done it.
However, from all the forums I’ve read, and by participating in this community now for about 8 years or so, I can say that most guys, not all, but most guys, will have a faster recovery process if they also cut out ejaculations for the first few months of their pmo reboot.
Experiment and monitor your progress...
And then they can slowly start adding them back in here and there and monitor how it affects their progress.
I would never recommend going back to adult websites though, not even when you are fully recovered. Because it’s a slippery slope, and before you know it, you get sucked right back in.
And why would you want to risk that since it was the adult websites that caused your ED in the first place?
In conclusion, if you want to stay on semen retention even after you have recovered, that’s completely fine as that can have its own cool benefits. But again, in the first 3-4 months, depending on your progress, I would personally try to stay as close to zero ejaculations as possible.
3: Will meditation speed up NoFap benefits?
No real brain studies have been done to examine how we can speed things up, but from all the other studies made on meditation and the brain, I’d say it could indeed be possible.
Meditation is something I highly recommend, not just for pmo rebooters, but for brain health in general.
4: Can I have sex with my partner during pmo reboot?
Yes, in fact it will help you rewire our brain and thus make you heal faster.
However, again, I would recommend holding back on orgasms in the beginning of your reboot.
You could practice slow gentle sex without orgasming. It is very possible to do and not having your focus on the orgasm can be a real "aha moment."
5: What is more important for fixing PIED, avoiding online porn or avoiding masturbation?
Avoiding porn, 100%!!!
You know, masturbation in and of itself without online porn does not cause ED, unless you do it excessively and use some 'death grip action' there...
...but yeah, it’s the super stimulating online porn that completely destroys today's young men's erections.
6: Will wet dreams prevent me from recovering from PIED?
No they won't!
Again, when it comes to PIED, the main thing you should be focusing on is not fapping to porn - or any artificial digital arousing stuff.
Now, that said, many guys do experience a slight loss of energy for a day or two after a wet dream.
And wet dreams can also make you have more cravings the following day (it's called the chaser effect)…
Some people may be set back just a little bit by wet dreams, but we are just talking a couple of days here and you shouldn't worry about them.
A wet dream is not a relapse...
Wet dreams are NOT relapses.
A relapse is if you intentionally break your own promise. As in, you try to stay away from porn and then you intentionally go seeking for “hot artificial stuff” somewhere online - and you consume it for a while. That is a relapse.
Or, if you have set a goal for yourself to not masturbate for 90 days, and then you do still do it on day, for example, 24, well, then you broke your own promise...
...breaking your promise is a relapse.
Wet dreams happen on their own and are not relapses.
7: I have seen you meantioned Alphaviril for better libido and harder erections. Did you use it during your own reboot, and if so, did it work?
Disclaimer: I am a bit hesitant to share these kinds of things, since some of you might start neglecting the pmo-reboot and just start popping pills.
That is NOT the way to go!
That said, Alphaviril is one of two products I actually found useful. And, yes I did use it during my reboot and it actually helped me be able to perform.
In fact, even though I was very desensitized I got to about perhaps 75-95% erection quality, depending on the day when using AlphaViril.
If your interested You’ll find a link to where to get it for the cheapest price under this video, but don’t go there just yet because I have to say something important.
Feeling stuck? You can transform your life in 13 weeks OR LESS by >>Downloading<< my FREE guide below...
Never neglect your reboot - even if you discover helpful tools...
I am a bit hesitant to share these kinds of things, as I'm afraid that some of you might start neglecting the reboot and just start popping pills.
Again, that is NOT the way to go!!!
You can still use it while you reboot, but always remember that rebooting is the priority number one and everything we do aside from that is to just be considered 'helpful tools'.
Also, AlphaViril it’s not a magic pill. Meaning, since we’re all different, and while it worked well for me, your results may vary.
So, if you decide that you want to try it out, ALWAYS remember that you still have to reboot.
Alright and so if you understand all of this and you would like to try AlhpaVirill, you can click the link under the video right now where it says check the price
8) How long does it take to recover from PIED?
Well, first you should know that the recovery is a process and that it's non-linear.
Meaning, you heal and get better and things start working a bit, but then you can suddenly have two weeks when everything is worse again.
You have to be patient and understand that it's a slow process, but just as long as you stay away from porn you will get better.
8 Weeks to more than a year...
As far as how long it takes, unfortunately no one can give an exact answer to that. We all have unique brains and PIED recovery can range anywhere from 8 weeks to some extreme cases taking more than a year.
Now, don’t freak out because chances are you are not an extreme case.
3-5 months is the most common range for recovering from PIED...
I’d say the most common range today is somewhere around 3-5 months.
Young people who grew up using high speed porn tend to need a bit longer to recover than older guys, but there are also exceptions to that one.
Just know that as long as you stay away from porn you WILL heal.
And it is actually possible to enjoy the whole reboot process if you keep doing other self improvement stuff during that time.
Which I highly recommend you do, because that way you turn a bad situation in life into something positive by growing stronger.
You could also read my article How To Cure PIED Fast, for mor helpful information.
Going through a PMO reboot makes you stronger than ever...
So, while this whole PIED was a horrible blow to you, you end up coming out of it a better person.
In part two I’m going to talk more about things we can do to potentially speed up recovery so consider subscribing for that one.
Alright this Scandinavian Bob signing out for today, consider subscribing for more helpful videos and as always I wish you all the best in your journey to become the strongest version of yourself, and remember...
...as Winston Churchill use to say, "If you’re going through hell, keep going!"
Related posts:
- PMO recovery tips
- Do wet dreams affect porn addiction recovery?
- Can girls on social media also give you PIED?
- What's the link between delayed ejaculation and PIED?
- Do urologist recognize PIED as a real thing?
- Can NoFap increase penis size?
- How to know if you have PIED (porn induced erectile dysfunction)
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