PMO Addiction Advice (That Will Help Your Journey)
The Dopamine fasting course I talk about in the end of the video can be found right here.
Scandinavian Bob here, hi!
Here comes some more PMO addiction advice for you.
How you find it helpful.
PMO Addiction advice...
Today I’m going to talk about something that I think most of you will recognize yourself in.
Something I regret that I didn’t learn sooner on my NoFap journey, but I think you will only recognize yourself in this if you really listen to what I’m about to say.
Not just listen, I want you to really give it some thought. Because I promise you, thinking about this simply can not make you worse, it can only make you better in so many areas of life, especially when it comes to things like NoFap.
We hear, but don't listen...
The problem with most people, myself included, is that whenever we hear some advice we do not hear it enough. We do not actually take it in on a deep enough level and we do not actually start practicing it in a real serious way.
Now, notice I said practice there, because that’s part of the problem.
First when we hear some advice we only take it on, say about 70%.
We do give it a try, but if it doesn’t instantly give us results we sort of let it go...
Well, not like we’re completely giving up on it but we let it go a bit.
Educated ignorance in PMO addiction...
And then when we hear that advice again from some expert or wherever, or we hear something similar, we go, “Oh yeah yeah yeah, that one, yeah yeah, I know that already!”
This is what I call educated ignorance.
And it’s a dangerous place to be because we become bad at processing valuable advice and info. So you stay in this gray zone where you’ve almost given up on it, but you still remember it well enough for it to prevent yourself from hearing more helpful tips and really taking it to you.
We have to go 'all in' with advice we hear..
It wasn’t until I really and I mean really seriously started to listen carefully to the advice tools and tips I came across that I started making vast improvements in my life.
And by this I mean, first you have to really listen to an idea carefully, but then you also have to think about what you are hearing.
Think about that idea not just to 65%, but actually think about it all the way to 100%...well…let’s say your 100%
And implement it - Practice it - For a long enough time...
But then not only that, then we need to try it out as well. And not only that, we need to practice it to see if we can become good at it.
And not only that, we then need to do it long enough for us to evaluate if it yields results.
But oh no, instead we have a tendency to first hear something, just think about it a little, then try it out just a bit, and then sort of let it go a bit, but still remember it well enough for us to to prevent taking it all in when we hear something similar out there.
Be honest with yourself here now. Do you recognize yourself in this? Do you think this is something you could get better at?
When I really started to listen things started changing...
I’m telling you guys, this is how I finally started to become better and better at rebooting and finally managed to quit for good. And I would have gotten there so much quicker if I’d just started implementing this sooner.
We have to really think about what we are listening to
Once I stopped going, “Oh yeah yeah yeah I know all this already”, when I heard some good advice out there and started to really go all in on it, then the results started to come.
Of course they did, because it’s almost like a law of nature.
Always remember this...
So, guys, pay attention now when I’m telling you…
- Don’t just hear, but listen.
- And don’t just listen, but think.
- And don’t just think, but try it out.
- And don’t just try it out, but actually practice it.
- And don’t just practice it, but practice it long enough.
Please let that sink in for a while.
And speaking of learning advice and tips, I have made a short 90 day no pmo PDF-guide that I’m giving away for free to anyone who is willing to actually learn.
You can download it using the link below
Feeling stuck? You can transform your life in 13 weeks OR LESS by >>Downloading<< my FREE guide below...
And if you’re interested in something that can both help you recover your dopamine system faster, as well as stay strong on your journey, then I can also leave a link to my brand new dopamine focused fasting course down below.
I’m already getting so much good feedback from it from guys using it so it’s really exciting for me to share this with you guys.
It has 5 different fasting protocols ranging all the way from 48 hours to 84 days.
Yes, and the longer fasting protocols also have a scoring system so they become almost like a fun game to play.
And since the longest one is almost 90 days, doing that would be like doing a 90 day pmo reboot on steroids, except without using steroids, of course.
So, if that’s something that could be of interest, make sure to check it out, using this link right here.
This is Scandinavian bob signing out for today and as always I wish you all the best on your journey to become the strongest version of yourself.
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