Porn Addiction And Being Stuck In Relapses (The Problem)
By clicking right here you can find the system I'm mentioning in the end of the video.
Wondering why it's so hard to break free from a porn addiction?
And why you feel stuck?
Well, if so, today's content is a must watch for you...
The two circles: present vs future...
Hey guys, take a look at these two circles….
To the left here we have you, relapsing, counting days, putting your life on hold and being depressed about how porn has created so much misery in your life.
To the right here we have your future.
Focusing on what we want, not what we don't...
One of the biggest problems with quitting a bad habit is that we tend to start focusing so much on what we don’t want to do that we forget to go after things that we actually want.
There is a quote that goes, “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new”.
The Trap of Counting Days (for some people)...
And this is what I see with so many NoFappers out there, they stay stuck because they keep fighting the old.
This mistake is so easy to make because, well, it lies in the very nature of quitting something. Like, if you're going on a NoFap journey, then you think that, ok so what does this mean now then? Well it means I should NOT be fapping to porn.
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Shifting focus: from problem to solution...
And so you start counting days, waiting until you get to a certain amount of days until you go for something and you put all your focus on what you don’t want.
Now, I don’t want you to misinterpret this either; this doesn’t mean that there is something wrong with counting days if that helps to motivate you.
For some people counting works, while for others, not so much, but what I am saying here is that if you are spending most of your focus here, worrying, ruminating, focusing on the problem, then that’s a problem.
The empty circle is your Hero's journey...
This is a big mistake many addicts make. They focus on the problem, and not the solution.
Listen guys, the majority of your focus should be going here.
See how this circle is empty? That’s because it’s up to you to fill it with something. It’s an empty book, it’s the hero’s journey, and each day you get to write a new chapter in that book. And here’s the good part, you get to be the hero.
Take action: What do you want to do?
Think about it: what are some things you've always wanted to do? Maybe it's learning a new skill, traveling to a place you've never been, or improving your relationships. Whatever it is, now is the time to start taking action.
Remember, the journey to overcoming addiction is not just about quitting porn; it's about transforming your life into something you're proud of. It's about becoming the best version of yourself, one day at a time.
Starting without a clear vision...
Now, there’s another trap here too...
And that is that many people believe that the vision for the right circle here has to be crystal clear before they can start. And if they’re not entirely sure, they rather just not even try. But this is a mistake because that trap will also hold you back.
It's okay to change direction...
Listen guys, you don’t need to see the whole staircase in order to take the first step.
Once you get started the other steps will reveal themselves, one by one, on their own. And remember, this is your story you are writing, so it doesn’t matter if you change your mind with something a bit later on, because that’s so good about writing. If you don’t like what you’ve written down, you can just rewrite a chapter if you feel like it.
Use experience as you guide...
What I’m trying to say here is that, even if you don’t know exactly what you want, you should just pick something that you at least have some interest in, go with that and then see what happens. And then there’s nothing that prevents you from changing directions later if you feel like the path you took is not inspiring you.
Now, one last thing here, this does not mean that you should forget your past either. The quote says, to not fight the old, but it does not say you should forget it.
We should all use our past to draw experiences from it and to learn from it, and we can’t do that if we just forget it.
Learn from your past, even if it's tough. Think of your past struggles with porn like a warning light on a dark sea. A lighthouse that warns of some dangerous cliffs.
Leave those struggles behind, but let them guide you away from danger as you sail towards new, better experiences.
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