How Long Do Urges Last On Semen Retention? (Find Out Here)

retention energy semen retention

Wondering how long urges last on semen retention?

Or how long the cravings last on NoFap?

Well, if so, this is the article for you.

Here goes...

How Long Do Urges Last On Semen Retention? 

Scandinavian Bob here, hi!

How long do NoFap urges last? 

Well let’s look at it in a few different ways.

Long term and short term…

Short term NoFap urges...

The short term is, obviously, if you for example get urges today and then you wonder how many minutes will they last.

Should I go for a walk to prevent relapsing?

The urges can come and go several times during a day. Now, remember when they come, you shouldn’t resist, and you shouldn’t feed them.

Urge surfing...

This is called urge surfing and if you do that, then they last anywhere from just a few seconds to a few minutes.

If you are a skillful surfer then the urges almost never last longer than 20 minutes.

However, one tip for you here is that the sooner you become aware of the very start of the urge the quicker you will be able to surf it and let it go. 

Micro urges...

You see, there are these things I call “micro urges”.

And they can sometimes start long before you are aware of it.

Micro urges can be something like a very tiny thought from your addiction voice whispering something like, “See any skin on the suggested videos?” 

Or a micro urge can be something trivial, like a 1 second flickering of a visual memory of something that you shouldn’t be doing.

The more aware you become the better your chances of dealing with NoFap urges...

Now, the more aware you become, the quicker you will start to notice when your urges start, and the better your chances of being able to successfully surf them.

This is something I always talk in detail about exactly how to do with my coaching 1 on 1 clients. 

So, start paying careful attention to your micro urges and when they crop up, you instantly remind yourself of why NoFap is important to you - and why relapsing would be a really bad idea.

Because again, most of the time, the very start of your relapse begins much sooner than you think. In form of a small micro urge a small seed that is planted and about to start growing.

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Long term NoFap urges. How long do these urges last?

So, what about the long term urges then?

How many weeks do we have to go before they disappear?

Well, here’s the deal, for 99.9% of guys they will never disappear. 

Now, before you freak here, listen to this…

There are several kinds of urges... 

The aggressive once that you are having in the beginning of your reboot and almost feels like a compulsion are mostly due to your addicted brain craving a dopamine fix. I.e. porn addiction. 

These are the most difficult urges to master because, well, hey it’s an addiction and they don’t call it an addiction for nothing. 

After about one month in most people notice how porn addiction urges become weaker...

Now, the good thing is that about 1 month in, most guys will notice how those addiction related urges will become much weaker. 

For some it might happen a bit sooner and for some a bit later, but between 4-8 weeks it should be significantly easier.

NoFap urges induced by escapism behaviors...

But then there are also other forms of urges, that are involved with guys having used adult sites as an escape from loneliness or some other problems.

And those urges can be haunting you for a really long time unless you fix your underlying issues. 

And then we also have a more natural urge that does not have anything to do with adult sites.

Natural sexual urges (we don't want to get rid of these)...

An urge that is driven by our natural programming to carry our DNA to the next generation. 

And this urge is not as aggressive as the addiction urges you had in your first week, and it's much more natural, but it can still be a very powerful urge...

...and urge to bust a nut, so to speak.

And you have to understand that for 99,9% of people, this urge will come and go depending on the days.

No matter if you are on day 50 or day 500.

It will always be there and you know what? That's great. because here’s the deal...

Sexual urges are fueling your NoFap / retention powers...

That natural urge right there is what’s fueling your NoFap powers.

I see so many guys commenting things like “Oh man, I’m on day 200 when will these urges go away?”

No, we don’t want them to go away.

Now, we want those addiction urges to go away, but look at those natural urges like the air in a combustion engine. 

Look at the retention urges as a combustion engine... 

When they build up, that is when the piston is moving upwards and compressing the air. 

Then after it has build up for a while, we can ignite the spark plug by doing intense exercise or intensively doing something that we are passionate about. Like diving head first won into a challenge related to some of our goals, and then...

...BAM!, the spark plug ignites the compressed fuel-air mixture, driving the piston down giving the engine it’s power. 

Well, there you go!

No urges means less power in your NoFap engine. 

Now, obviously our biology is way more complex than this and this was just a metaphor and an interesting way we can look at things.

But one thing is for sure, you don’t want to eliminate your sex drive, and the urges that arise from that, because, man, it's where your biggest energy source is.The core driver of your powers. 

Learn to transmute your retention urges...

So learn to work with it, cultivate it, transmute it and then watch yourself grow.

And if you want me to help me come up with a plan for you to stop relapsing so that you can get rid of the pain for good then you can find a link to my coaching page right here.

Alright, this is Scandinavian Bob signing out for today.

Thanks for reading.

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